Hmm må sige det er meget positivt !. Det er bedre ydelse end forventet ! kun 5% langsommere end Titan - jeg glæder mig til uddybende tests for at se om det holder.
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Gripen90 d. 22-05-2013 12:53:29.
Det ser ikke helt ueffent ud 😛 jeg er dog bekymret omkring prisen. Hvis ikke det er meget langsommere end GTX Titan, så kunne det jo nemt ligge på en 5000-5500kr her i landet !.
Expreview posted (by accident) the first review of the GeForce GTX 780. Gladly I have a copy for you (in case they notice an increased traffic from VC).
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 which is going to be released tomorrow will feature GK110 GPU with 2304 CUDA cores. Expreview confirmed all the specs, including the speculated number of ROPs. Therefore the card will make use of 192 TMUs and 48 ROPs, this is now official, sort of.
The GTX 780 is is equipped with 3GB GDDR5 memory which is running at 6 GHz effective speed. The reference clock was set to 863/902 MHz, with GPU Boost 2.0 support. Card requires both 6+8pin power connectors, to draw up to 250W (not entirely true, check below).
According to multiple reports, the price starts from $650 in United States and _599 in Europe (Chinese price is 4999 yuans).
In comparison to the existing 6-series, it's more difficult to recommend; despite the 30 per cent performance edge over GTX 680 2GB, GTX 780 3GB demands close to a 40 % price premium, and without the hero-card status afforded to Titan, has to be more realistically considered. With GTX 680 over a year old, this seems like something of a raw deal, especially as GTX 680 remains an extremely capable card at 1,920 x 1,080. We don't think that over a generation gap we're unreasonable looking for an increase in performance without the price bump and GTX 780 3GB just doesn't offer that. It could have launched 12 months ago in the exact same place in the market and not been out of place, but that's 12 months ago.