nVidia frigiver Kepler licens til 3. partsproducenter

Grafikkort d.  19. juni. 2013, skrevet af Mekanikeren
Vist: 1149 gange.

19-06-2013 13:42:57
So frigiver nVidia deres Kepler GPU IP licens. Det byder, at vi sandsynligvis ser nVida mere synlige i mobil området ! De tager kampen op mod Qualcomm, Intel, AMD.

"By licensing its GPU IP, NVIDIA opens itself up to additional customers (and revenue) that otherwise wouldn't have considered it. I doubt Apple would ever use an off-the-shelf Tegra SoC, but NVIDIA can now compete for Apple SoC business alongside Imagination Technologies. Should Apple decide to one day drop Intel altogether and bring all of its CPU design in house, it now has a GPU vendor it can license cores or technologies from - just like it does with ARM. The exact same goes for Samsung."
