#9 Hvorfor skriver du det så på den måde? (Er det ikke noget med, at netflix kun virker "over there" i kamerika?)
Du skriver jo ikke at det er WD TV Live Hub der kun virker der over....... Det har ikke noget med serverne at gøre, det handler bare om software problemer, manglende app, eller hvad du nu ville kalde det, Nok om det.. tilbage til #0
#0 Prøv dette hvis du ikke allerede har prøvet det? 🙂
For those of you having issues with getting Netflix in the Scandinavia countries (including Finland), here are some things you need to know.
The WD TV Live Hub will only ever get Netflix in the U.S.
Geo-Location, which allows Netflix to be served through the WD TV Live Streaming Media Player, and in Scandinavia, went global in the latest SMP firmware update, version 1.11.14.
If you rolled back from this latest version, you will not be able to access Netflix in any older version of firmware.
If you have the latest version of firmware, and you are using the WD TV Live Streaming Media Player (SMP), and you still can't get Netflix, you can try resetting the Geo-Location for the SMP. You can do so by going to Setup >> System >> Set Time & Country >> Reset Location.