Warlords of Draenor (WOW)

Spil d.  08. november. 2013, skrevet af pansertjald
Vist: 15632 gange.

08-11-2013 21:20:20
Så er den nye XP til WOW offentlig gjort og det bliver Warlords of Draenor.

Trailer her
08-11-2013 22:14:10

08-11-2013 22:41:42
Håber det bliver godt.. Glæder mig til raidsne :)

08-11-2013 23:05:16
fra 8 til 12

Passiv Hwt crew
08-11-2013 23:17:33
Glaeder mig mere til Heroes of the Storm, da jeg er League of Legends gamer!

09-11-2013 01:30:46
#0 masser af spændende nye ting, især grafikken ser ud til at få endnu et hak op. Men, som en ven og guildmate siger, så stinker navnet på den næste expansion

#4 HotS er jeg enig i, ser interessant ud

09-11-2013 08:40:18
ja det ser ud som om vi for en masse at lave ved siden af raiding.

jeg forstår bare ikke at de nu laver om på 25 mands raids. hvorfor 20 mands nu? og vil man køre de nye mythic raids, så skal man være 20 mands guild.

jeg tror deres nye raid model kommer til at give en masse balade, men det kan nok også blive lavet om mange gange endnu, da der ikke er nogen Beta dato endnu.

det nye housing system ser til gengæld fedt ud og så har de jo taget fra SWTOR med at kunne sende hjælper ud og lave ting for en.

bliver spænde at se hvad der kommer frem på Blizzcon i dag.

09-11-2013 08:41:55
til dem der ikke har været over på mmo-champion

Garrosh will be put on trial and escape before a verdict. He is going back in time, altering the current timeline slightly.
Garrosh's goal is to stop the Orcs from drinking the blood of Mannoroth and building the Iron Horde using technology from the present.
The end of this expansion is going to spill over into the next one. Many more expansions are lined up now.

Homeworld of the Orcs, heart of the Draenei, lots of giants, seven new zones.
The Iron Horde is here to take an army into Azeroth and your job is to stop them.
Grommash has united the Orc clans.
The Alliance will defend Karabor (Black Temple) and make it their main city this expansion.
The Horde will defend the Bladespire Citadel and make it their main city this expansion.
Catacylsm changed up the zones, but WoD zones are rebuilt from scratch, not just modifying Outland.
Azeroth has had many different empires over time, but Draenor is a more savage world with just the Ogre empire in decline.
Netherstorm will be used in a future patch, not at launch.
The Frostwolf Clan, Shadowmoon Clan, Blackrock Clan, Warsong Clan, Bleeding Hollow, and Shattered Hand Clan will make an appearance.
Kargath led the Shattered Hand Clan out of slavery and chopped off his own arm to do so.
Grommash will play a major role in the story to come. Will his anger get the best of him?
Kilrogg Deadeye leads the dark shamanistic Bleeding Hollow Clan, which is located in the jungle that becomes Hellfire. They gouge out their own eye to obtain a vision of their death, which helps guide their clan.

Lots of opportunities to create new creatures.
Dragonfly mount.

There will be an expansion introduction similar to the Death Knight starting experience.
Launch event will set up a suicide mission, Dark Portal will turn red.
After intro, Horde go to Frostfire Ride, a Tundra with volcanoes. You meet up with the Frostwolf Clan and help them defeat the Thunderlord Clan.
After intro, Alliance go to Shadowmoon Valley, where it is always night time. You save Karabor (Black Temple) and turn it into your main city. Home of the Shadowmoon Orc Clan.
Gorgrond has lots of steam vents that are being capped to power the Iron Horde war machine. Blackrock Foundry is one of the raids in WoD.
Talador has a much larger Shattrath city and Auchindoun before it was destroyed. Auchindoun is a dungeon in WoD.

New Player Models
New models have lots of facial detail, teeth, tongues, smiles, and animations.
Dwarf, Orc, and Gnome models are ready to preview.

Build your own base on Draenor, WoW version of Housing.
Your friends can come and see it, trade resources.
Collect followers and send them on missions. Name them!
Customize your base. Pick the zone and buildings
Offline progression (days to weeks)
Integrated into the world, no loading screens.
Allows you to get epic gear, your own land, limited access to professions you don't have.
You can build a mine in your base and go and mine, or send followers to go mine for you.
Your garrison can be expanded over three tiers. Each expansion gives you more plots of land.
You can move your garrison later.
Collect trophies and build monuments. Access them by completing achievements. Mount a rare spawn's head in your Town Hall.
Buildings have unique bonuses, such as reducing the recovery time for your followers after a mission or a free resurrection in the world once a day. These can be upgraded and customized with specializations after three tiers of upgrades. This is like talents for your building.
The Inn lets you find new followers every day. It comes with a kitchen that has a cooking NPC. The specializations let you pick Tank, DPS, or Healer followers.
There are three tiers of art for every building, inside and outside change with each upgrade.
Alliance and Horde get unique art for buildings.
Many ways to collect followers, bribe or recruit them.
Followers level up by doing missions. Even after the level cap, followers can increase their item level.
Followers have quality or rarity and can be customized and named.
Send them on Raids, Dungeons, and Quests. Matching up followers and their traits with missions is almost a minigame.
There are also specialized missions, which are unlocked by owning certain buildings. These have bonuses that are unique.

Boost to Level 90
Warlords of Draenor will boost one of your characters to Level 90 for free.
The boost will clean up your bags, quest log, and action bar to reduce the mess.

Inventory Updates
Pets and Mounts are collected now, but WoD will be adding Heirlooms, Toys, and maybe Tabards. All of these are Account Wide!
You can flag items as Favorites and summon a Favorite mount.
Bags are now auto sortable in the default UI.
Bags highlight items that were added since you last opened them.
Bags highlight the quality of items.
Bags show an icon on Vendor Trash.
No more quest items in your bags!
Larger stack sizes.
Craft directly from your bank.

Adventure Guide
Guide to help players know what they can and should be working on, what kind of raids you are ready for.
It shows you things you can do and is customized to your character.

Level 100 Talents
Tooltips will be split out by spec.
New tier of talents for everyone.

Dungeons and Raids
Seven new dungeons at launch, four for leveling, three for max level.
UBRS will come back as a Heroic Dungeon and Leveling dungeon.
All dungeons will have Normal, Heroic, and Challenge Mode.
Two raids at launch, Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry. Together they have 16 bosses.
New world bosses.
Flex worked out well, but the 10 and 25 structure has some issues.
Flex scaling will be used for Normal and Heroic difficulty.
Raid Finder will scale if you lose people and are waiting for the group to fill.
Mythic is a new difficulty harder than heroic with a 20 player fixed size.

Ashran will be a new World PvP zone with faction bases and other hotspots. It also is a PvP sandbox that continues all of the time. Wintergrasp had a start and end time, but Ashran will always be active. It is somewhat like the original AV.
Ashran will use cross realm zones to create a faction balanced PvP zone.
Ashran will let you build and commandeer siege vehicles.
The UI will have a new objective tracker and capture status. Flags will fill with color as it is being captured.
Battleground scores will be added to give players an idea how how they are doing in the battleground. It fills out by doing damage, healing, capturing objectives, and contributing to the battleground.
The Honor system will stay in place, but the end of battlegrounds or arenas will give you a random chance to win bonus items, honor, BoE gear, and more.
You will get a weekly quest to upgrade an item, something like completing a number of battlegrounds or arenas.
Trial of the Gladiator is the new Arena Ladder. It will concentrate queue times at certain times during the week, which will help higher rated people have others to play against and help to identify exploiters.
Trial of the Gladiator also uses tournament rules. You can buy gear from a vendor and play, no need to grind up a set. PvE gear won't work in here!
You will earn prestige rewards only from Trial of the Gladiator.

11-11-2013 13:51:32
ser sgu desværre ud til at de slå 10 mands raids ihjel med det nye mythic mode.

jeg kan forstå hvorfor de kun laver det til 20 mands. top 25 mands guilds skal skille sig af med 5 spiller og top 10 mands raid guilds skal ud og finde 10 spiller mere.

det synes jeg sgu er at skyde sig selv i foden blizz.

i min guild er vi 8/13 HC 10 mands og som det ser ud lige nu, så tror jeg sgu at guilden er død inden vi når 13/13.
vi har allerede 2 spiller som stoppede i går, pga. det nye mythic mode :(

11-11-2013 18:26:54
#8 jeg synes det er plat at folk stopper før en ny patch/expansion. De ødelægger det for andre, og kan i det mindste vente med at stoppe til i har taget resten.

Udover det, så er det fedt i er så langt. Håber i finder nogen til at køre det sidste stykke. Jeg så Hellscream HC forleden på tuben, og det er fanme en fed kamp. En som jeg desværre aldrig selv når at opleve med min guild