Problem with brand new Z77x-D3H

Gigabyte - Bundkort d.  19. december. 2013, skrevet af Pierre3400
Vist: 8372 gange.

19-12-2013 12:58:50
Hello Gigabyte,

I just bought a Z77X-D3H which will be used for mining litecoins.

I have 2 problems with it.

First problem, since the pc needs to run 24/7 and be connected to internet, this was never an issue i thought i would have, but during my first booting phase while running the system after installing W7 OS, i was running updates, duren the updates, i was controlling it via teaviewer, as i do not have a screen or keyboard hooked up, suddenly i lost connection, after hooking up screen and keyboard, i found that it has no internet connection, but it did have network connection. I unplugged the cable, replugged it, and everything went back to normal??

This also happend today while the PC was running mining software.

My second problem is, that i use x1 pcie slots to connect more GPU's. Currently i only have one that i need to connect, this was never an issue on my old H61 asrock board, where i have 5 GPU's running off the x1 pcie slots, but the Gigabyte board does not even see that anything is hooked up to the top PCI-e 1x slot, when i have a gpu connected. The GPU connected will spin up the fan, and there are no warning sound beebs or anything. I will admit i have only installed the chipset drivers, and lan drivers, nothing else, but i would presume that the pci-e x1 drivers would be within the motherboard drivers?

I would like to hear what could solve these issues.

Tråden blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Pierre3400 d. 19-12-2013 13:06:35.
19-12-2013 13:23:10
Hi Pierre,

could you please let me know what slots you are using.
How many graphics cards are you using?

Also note that PCIEX4 has the following limitation:
1 x PCI Express x16 slot, running at x4 (PCIEX4)
* The PCIEX4 slot shares bandwidth with the PCIEX1_1/2/3 slots. The PCIEX1_1/2/3 slots slots will become unavailable when a PCIe x4 expansion card is installed.

Have a nice day!

19-12-2013 13:43:49
Okay, well i am using all 3 GPU slots, but i can see that i need to unplug my 3rd GPU in order to use my 3x x1 pcie slots, limiting me to 5 gpus..

Thats a bit of bummer, since i use to run 6 cards on an old cheap H61 board.. Did not think a newer board would have such limits.

If i plug a x1 pcie into the 4x pcie will then be able to use the all 3 pcie 1x slots?

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Pierre3400 d. 19-12-2013 13:46:50.

19-12-2013 13:54:40

Allways check Pci-E lane distribution before purchase if expecting to use all ports on a mainstream board !

On mainstream boards they allmost allways will be shared somehow, and most company´s list how this sharing is done in the specification page.

Lane sharing varies much on mainstream board so newer is not "better" as so.

You migth want to consider LGA2011 witch has plenty of lanes to spare comparing to LGA1155

19-12-2013 14:02:02


Allways check Pci-E lane distribution before purchase if expecting to use all ports on a mainstream board !

On mainstream boards they allmost allways will be shared somehow, and most company´s list how this sharing is done in the specification page.

Lane sharing varies much on mainstream board so newer is not "better" as so.

You migth want to consider LGA2011 witch has plenty of lanes to spare comparing to LGA1155

Cocio21 skrev d. 19-12-2013 13:54:40

LGA2011 kan slet ikke betale sig i dette tilfælde.

Tester det nå jeg kan, om det vil virker hvis jeg bare bruger en x1 forlænger i 4x, det burde give ledighed af de sidste 3 1x pcie. Men venter på Ted evt kan forsikre det.

Ellers er det ikke den størst skade hvis jeg skal køre med 5 kort i stedet for 6 kort.

19-12-2013 14:34:09

Okay, well i am using all 3 GPU slots, but i can see that i need to unplug my 3rd GPU in order to use my 3x x1 pcie slots, limiting me to 5 gpus..

Thats a bit of bummer, since i use to run 6 cards on an old cheap H61 board.. Did not think a newer board would have such limits.

If i plug a x1 pcie into the 4x pcie will then be able to use the all 3 pcie 1x slots?

Pierre3400 skrev d. 19-12-2013 13:43:49

Hi Pierre,

on the block diagram you can see the reason why the PCIEX4 slot will disable the PCIE1 slots when used.

Regarding if this will happen if you set the PCIEX4 to x1 is an interesting thought. This should not work but why not test it :)
I have not been able to test this but it would be very easy since you can change the PCIEX4 mode to x1 in BIOS under the Peripherals menu.

Please right click and open the images in new window if you cannot see them in this post.

Take care and good luck with the mining!

Svaret blev redigeret 3 gange, sidst af GIGABYTE_Ted d. 19-12-2013 14:37:04.

19-12-2013 14:50:33
Thank you, i will test this out. In any case i will disable the 4x in bios.

Btw, is it possible to have a less graphical version of the bios? I get confused with all the pretty lay outs, and i normally zoom threw with a keyboard.

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Pierre3400 d. 19-12-2013 15:07:26.

19-12-2013 19:18:20
I can say that after i Disabled the pci x4 it would see the 4th GPU, but with that said, its not playing nice. It still wants to use the 4x as primary GPU which annoys me a bit.

I cant get the rig to behave as i want, if i removed the 3rd card, nothing puts out an output, and that makes it very hard to know what the heck is going on??

08-01-2014 12:21:50

I can say that after i Disabled the pci x4 it would see the 4th GPU, but with that said, its not playing nice. It still wants to use the 4x as primary GPU which annoys me a bit.

I cant get the rig to behave as i want, if i removed the 3rd card, nothing puts out an output, and that makes it very hard to know what the heck is going on??

Pierre3400 skrev d. 19-12-2013 19:18:20

Hi Pierre,

really sorry for my late responce, I missed it before the hollidays and then I have been on vacation with very limited internet access.

I recommend that you try changing the setting for "Init Display First" under the peripherals menu.

Auto - Lets BIOS automatically configure this setting.(Default)
IGFX - Sets the onboard graphics as the first display.
PEG - Sets the PCI Express graphics card on the PCIEX16 slot as the first display.
PCI - Sets the graphics card on the PCI slot as the first display.

Have a nice day!

08-01-2014 12:29:28
Hey Ted,

I found that by running on the 3x PCI-e slots and the 8x 16x slot, i could run with 4 cards.

So as far as im concernd there is no more problems.

08-01-2014 12:47:42

Hey Ted,

I found that by running on the 3x PCI-e slots and the 8x 16x slot, i could run with 4 cards.

So as far as im concernd there is no more problems.

Pierre3400 skrev d. 08-01-2014 12:29:28

Hi Pierre,

I'm glad you sorted it out and once again sorry for the delay!

Have a great day and take care!

10-01-2014 10:56:54
Ted, i have a new problem, and this one is by far more serious.

I replaced the Gigabyte motherboard with a differnt one, that could handle 6 gpu's as i needed.

And i wanted to use the Gigabyte board for testing, and setting up my GPU's, meaning, i wanted to one run GPU at a time.

I set it up, with a Celeron G440, and the same harddisk i used before, hooked up an AMD 6970, booted the system, no problems.

Then i turned off, tested an AMD 6870 card, then, i wanted to run a test with both cards, one in 16x slot and one in 4x slot, for reasons i dont understand Gigybyte pick the bottom card as the main card, but anyway, it still booted up. Then i swapped those 2 cards around, Cos i wanted to run the 6970 as the main card. During this swap, i went into the Bios set the main display output as PCI, and thats when all hell broke lose.

Since then, booting with any GPU wont happen, it turns on, runs for 5secs turns off, then turns on, then back off, this is and infinate reboot loop.

I thought i fried the PSU, or the CPU or the ram, or maybe the GPUs?

Lucky i had a spare mATX board, i stuffed all the identical hardware into it, cpu, gpu, ram, everything, and tested BOTH the psu i had tried on the gigabyte motherboard. Everything booted and ran perfect.

I then pulled out the battery to fully clear the CMOS on the Gigbyte motherboard, i installed the CPU, and ram, plugged in the screen to the onboarde VGA, meaning no GPU installed, and i got the system to boot once more.

It made it into windows and everything. Turn it off, plugged in a working 6870, turned it on, and back to the rebooting loop.

I unplugged PSU, took out GPU and once more cleared the bios, and booted up via onboard VGA, this time, it did the reboot loop!

I unpluggede everything, even took out the cpu to look for burn marks on it. Nothing to see.

I installed the cpu, cleared the CMOS again, and got it to boot with onboard VGA. Installed a Gigabyte HD5770 that i know for fact is a working card. Soon as i install a GPU, it starts the Reboot looping.

What on earth is wrong with this motherboard?

10-01-2014 14:04:35
Hi Pierre,

what a total mess, great write-up though, I wish all RMA reports was like this :)

Plug in everything except GPU, can you boot with onboard VGA?
I think you still can.
Shut down the computer and plug in a GPU but still run on the onboard VGA.
If it reboot loops again there may be 1 or more pins damaged in the PCIe slot that is causing a shortcircuit that causes the system reboot loop.
Also test different PCIe and PCI slots to see if it is the same issue. If it's bent pins in a PCI/e slot then the rest should work fine.

Have a nice day and good luck, I will keep track of this thread during the weekend if you have any new information.

10-01-2014 14:08:37
I have already tested just running with the 8x or the 4x. Since the write up, i havent even been able to get the system to boot on the onboard VGA.

I have looked the board over with a microscope, i cannot see any damage to the any PCI-e pins.

At the moment i have set everything up on my spare motherboard, all the same hardware, its running perfect, so it has to be a problem with the motherboard.

My question now, is, should i RMA to the shop i got it from, or would you like it RMA'ed straight to Gigabyte?

10-01-2014 15:45:23
Hi Pierre,

I think your are correct about sending it in for RMA.
Our RMA service is designed for Retailers and Distributors only so please contact your retailer and ask them to send it for RMA.

If they for some reason will not help you then we will see what we can do.

Have a nice day and keep me in the loop!

22-01-2014 11:19:07
Hello Ted,

I'll just want to bring the last update on this subject.

The card was returned to the shop, and they were fast to test it and called me up, they got the motherboard running with an nVidia card, after a full bios reset, which is also had done a few times.

Since I bought a new motherboard in the mean time, they asked if i wanted my money back, as they saw no damage what so after on the motherboard, and i agreed.

So for now, i no long own this motherboard, but i do have one question. I had asked for the 4 year warranty, and i got my certificate yesterday. If this board is to be resold, I dont want this to have an impact for a potential new owner, so please tell me if i need to do anything about that.

22-01-2014 11:23:33

Hello Ted,

I'll just want to bring the last update on this subject.

The card was returned to the shop, and they were fast to test it and called me up, they got the motherboard running with an nVidia card, after a full bios reset, which is also had done a few times.

Since I bought a new motherboard in the mean time, they asked if i wanted my money back, as they saw no damage what so after on the motherboard, and i agreed.

So for now, i no long own this motherboard, but i do have one question. I had asked for the 4 year warranty, and i got my certificate yesterday. If this board is to be resold, I dont want this to have an impact for a potential new owner, so please tell me if i need to do anything about that.

Pierre3400 skrev d. 22-01-2014 11:19:07

Hi Pierre,

send an email to
with your name and emailaddress and I can update the database of the warranty registrations so this new user does not have any issues.

Thank you for being so considerate!

Have a nice day and take care!