Andre der har problemer med dette? På Brightness og WinLock kan jeg ikke bestemme hvad lys der skal være, det registreres godt nok i softwaren, hvis jeg vælger rød, så kan jeg se den er rød, eller hvilken som helst anden farve, men der er hvidt lys i Brightness tasten, men sjovt nok ved trin 1 er lyset orange og kun lys i WinLock hvis den er aktiveret (også hvidt)
Corsair er kommet med denne løsning i forbindelse med sidste version af software:
"If, after installing CUE release v1.2.74 (or newer) and Firmware 1.13, you still see 1 or 2 of your keys have no lighting, be aware that this is not a hardware failure. The default lighting simply does not have a lighting effect assigned to them. Please follow these steps to restore lighting to these keys:
Navigate to the PROFILES tab and click on Lighting.
Click on the keys with no color assigned and assign a color to them.
The LED should display the color you have selected."
Har prøvet at følge den, men uden resultat, virker stadig ikke, har også prøvet at un- og install igen, samt prøvet at slette alle profiler og lave nye. - man kan sige at sidste punkt jo passer godt nok, den "displayer" jo godt nok hvilken farve man har valgt, men kun i softwaren og ikke på tastaturet og jo jo, har valgt den profil jeg arbejder med.
Er det lykkes for jer?
Anden ting jeg også undre mig over er at når pc er slukket, så er der stadig lys i tastaturet og når den er slukket, så kan man ikke slukke lyset, kan dog slukke det inden man lukker pc'en ned og spøjst nok kan man godt ændre trin i lyset derefter. Synes også det spøjst at når pc'en er slukket, så er der lys i Brightness/WinLock.
Lige for at runde Auto profile switching, så har det (gør måske stadig) også drillet lidt, har lavet en CS GO profil, og den skifter godt nok når jeg starter spillet, men vare kun lige få sekunder så vender det tilbage til default, har en enkelt gang gjort det rigtig, så lige tidlig nok at udtale sig om det er stabilt, eller om det også sejler - måske i andre har erfaret noget mere ift. dette?
Andre der har problemer med dette? På Brightness og WinLock kan jeg ikke bestemme hvad lys der skal være, det registreres godt nok i softwaren, hvis jeg vælger rød, så kan jeg se den er rød, eller hvilken som helst anden farve, men der er hvidt lys i Brightness tasten, men sjovt nok ved trin 1 er lyset orange og kun lys i WinLock hvis den er aktiveret (også hvidt)
Corsair er kommet med denne løsning i forbindelse med sidste version af software:
"If, after installing CUE release v1.2.74 (or newer) and Firmware 1.13, you still see 1 or 2 of your keys have no lighting, be aware that this is not a hardware failure. The default lighting simply does not have a lighting effect assigned to them. Please follow these steps to restore lighting to these keys:
Navigate to the PROFILES tab and click on Lighting.
Click on the keys with no color assigned and assign a color to them.
The LED should display the color you have selected."
Har prøvet at følge den, men uden resultat, virker stadig ikke, har også prøvet at un- og install igen, samt prøvet at slette alle profiler og lave nye. - man kan sige at sidste punkt jo passer godt nok, den "displayer" jo godt nok hvilken farve man har valgt, men kun i softwaren og ikke på tastaturet og jo jo, har valgt den profil jeg arbejder med.
Er det lykkes for jer?
Anden ting jeg også undre mig over er at når pc er slukket, så er der stadig lys i tastaturet og når den er slukket, så kan man ikke slukke lyset, kan dog slukke det inden man lukker pc'en ned og spøjst nok kan man godt ændre trin i lyset derefter. Synes også det spøjst at når pc'en er slukket, så er der lys i Brightness/WinLock.
Lige for at runde Auto profile switching, så har det (gør måske stadig) også drillet lidt, har lavet en CS GO profil, og den skifter godt nok når jeg starter spillet, men vare kun lige få sekunder så vender det tilbage til default, har en enkelt gang gjort det rigtig, så lige tidlig nok at udtale sig om det er stabilt, eller om det også sejler - måske i andre har erfaret noget mere ift. dette?
Hello there,
I cant understand all the details in your post, do you think you can explain in english?
Kind regards,
Corsair Johan
Andre der har problemer med dette? På Brightness og WinLock kan jeg ikke bestemme hvad lys der skal være, det registreres godt nok i softwaren, hvis jeg vælger rød, så kan jeg se den er rød, eller hvilken som helst anden farve, men der er hvidt lys i Brightness tasten, men sjovt nok ved trin 1 er lyset orange og kun lys i WinLock hvis den er aktiveret (også hvidt)
Corsair er kommet med denne løsning i forbindelse med sidste version af software:
"If, after installing CUE release v1.2.74 (or newer) and Firmware 1.13, you still see 1 or 2 of your keys have no lighting, be aware that this is not a hardware failure. The default lighting simply does not have a lighting effect assigned to them. Please follow these steps to restore lighting to these keys:
Navigate to the PROFILES tab and click on Lighting.
Click on the keys with no color assigned and assign a color to them.
The LED should display the color you have selected."
Har prøvet at følge den, men uden resultat, virker stadig ikke, har også prøvet at un- og install igen, samt prøvet at slette alle profiler og lave nye. - man kan sige at sidste punkt jo passer godt nok, den "displayer" jo godt nok hvilken farve man har valgt, men kun i softwaren og ikke på tastaturet og jo jo, har valgt den profil jeg arbejder med.
Er det lykkes for jer?
Anden ting jeg også undre mig over er at når pc er slukket, så er der stadig lys i tastaturet og når den er slukket, så kan man ikke slukke lyset, kan dog slukke det inden man lukker pc'en ned og spøjst nok kan man godt ændre trin i lyset derefter. Synes også det spøjst at når pc'en er slukket, så er der lys i Brightness/WinLock.
Lige for at runde Auto profile switching, så har det (gør måske stadig) også drillet lidt, har lavet en CS GO profil, og den skifter godt nok når jeg starter spillet, men vare kun lige få sekunder så vender det tilbage til default, har en enkelt gang gjort det rigtig, så lige tidlig nok at udtale sig om det er stabilt, eller om det også sejler - måske i andre har erfaret noget mere ift. dette?
Hello there,
I cant understand all the details in your post, do you think you can explain in english?
Kind regards,
Corsair Johan
Is this a joke? 🙂
Well okay, I give it go 🙂
Did some minor changes in the translation, though, since I've later on figured out a few things, anyway here goes:
Others who have problems with this? On the Brightness and WinLock key I can't decide what color they should have, it registers alright in the software, if I chose Red, then it shows up as Red or any other color for that matter, but the light on K70 is still White and another funny thing is that the light on the Brightness key at 33% is orange and there is only light in the WinLock key if it's activated (also white).
(On at side note, after writing this I've seen a few YouTube videos where people are making light profiles and on everyone I saw, they had the same problem, there Brightness and WinLock keys where white, even though they have another color in the profile)
Corsair did come with a solution on the problem by releasing a Word doc with the newest "Corsair Utility Engine - v1.2.77" zip file, with the "Intl K70 RGB Restore Instructions" where it's stated that:
"If, after installing CUE release v1.2.74 (or newer) and Firmware 1.13, you still see 1 or 2 of your keys have no lighting, be aware that this is not a hardware failure. The default lighting simply does not have a lighting effect assigned to them. Please follow these steps to restore lighting to these keys:
Navigate to the PROFILES tab and click on Lighting.
Click on the keys with no color assigned and assign a color to them.
The LED should display the color you have selected."
I've tried following those instructions, but still can't get it to work, also did a un- and install, deleted all profile and made new ones, still no luck. (But then again, the problem isn't that there's no light in some keys, as the solution refers to, I'm having the wrong color, hmm.)
Wrote something about when the PC is off, then there's still light on the K70, but figured out that I can just turn it off with the Brightness key - but would be easier if it did it on its own or even an option in the software to change it on or off - did read that some suggest that we can shot the power off on the USB port, but that's not really a solution.
I've also noticed that when PC is off, it uses its Default profile; Red light with a Gradient Red/white pulse effect on the awsd/arrows AND there's Red light in the Brightness/WinLock keys (out the box profile). I then change a new profile to act as the Default and also "Save Profile to Device Memory" so that's the one used when PC is off (not that I want it on, as per say), but here it's getting weird again, cause now the Brightnees/WinLock is fine and with the color I chose for the new profile, but the one key I've made a Ripple Pulse effect on don't work, my thought was that it can't show the effect, cause it need the software to do so - but that don't comply with the fact that it did show the awsd/arrows effect when I connected the K70 the first time and shut down the PC.
In short; only time the correct light regarding color on the Brightness and the WinLock keys works proper, is when the PC is OFF - no matter what I've done, I can't get it to work when PC is ON - and the solution to just "Click on the keys with no color assigned and assign a color to them." don't do anything.
As for the "Auto profile switching" I've made a CS:GO profile, now found that it works ok - kind of. It seems like when it's the first time after PC boot I start the game, the K70 don't change profile, then I can do a Alt+Tab and back and the profile changes - and from there on, whenever I start the game, the profile change as expected at least the rest of the time the PC is on, when shot down or reboot, I've to do a Alt+Tab again the first time and so on.
Jeg har version 1.2.77 og det virker heller ikke der er ingen firmware til rgb versionen (kun non-rgb) så jeg har ikke installeret nogen firmware
Synes mine piltaster og wasd er lyse orange men prøver jeg at tage et billede med min mobil er de hvide(før jeg tager et billede).
Mine tal under f tasterne (dem med 2-3 symboler) er ikke særlig oplyste,kraftige
Dem under f tasterne som der er tal på.
Har ingen software update software kun den der driver ting ver 1.2.77
Har du prøve en af de andre bios indstillinger?
Prøv højre klik på brightness knappen, edit light, vælg den farve du vil have, ok
Bios indstillingerne på på tastaturet 😉
That's okay, I'm late as well :)
Thanks for explaining the Brightness and WinLock keys regarding the active/inactive, make sense now, and did get it to work, though at first it was kinda weird, using green and red color, cause when I activate the WinLock key, it then turns red alright, but the funny thing; the Brigthness key also changed to red and back to the green color when inactive - anyway, don't know how I did that, but got it to work now, so the Brightness key is green all the time, was going for the red light when the light was off, but couldn't, perhaps it's not possible as off is - off all-around, maybe.?
Still one thing I can't do, if I skip the active/inactive and just go for a static color (by marking the Brightness and WinLock keys and then pick a color at the left bottom corner, then it don't work, why can't I do that and yup, did made sure that I've choose the right layout and reset the keys to default, as you also mentioned here.?
Last thing, what is the MR function, can't find any info on that one?
I haven't tried downloaded any US layout, or any other layout for that matter yet, so not the problem - also the only keys that don't have light, is the Brightness and WinLock keys, when I go for the static.
Did update the firmware days ago, only noticed that they change it, so the light turns off with the PC, which is nice, other than that I didn't knew what else was changed, and there your link came in handy, thanks :)
Roger, but just don't get why I can't choose the static on the the WinLock and Brightness keys - and yes did try the Reset to Default - well anyway, the active works okay on them, so no worries.
Regarding the "Auto profile switching", then I still have problems with the CS:GO Profile, every first time I start the game after a start/reboot, then the Profile's only active for a few sec, and then going back to Default, then if I Alt+Tab to Desktop and back it works ok and also the next time I start the game again later on - can't figure out why it has this issue with the first start up?
I've created a Far Cry 4 (Not Steam) Profile as well and that don't work at all - can't get it to change...?
I'm considering skipping the hole "Auto profile switching" if it f**** up like that all the time, easyer and less time spent changing back and forth, if I just go manual and select the Profile before gamestart... Is there any upcoming patch on this issue, that you know of?