Du må faktisk godt sælge den. Valve overtræder bare lokal lovgivning når de siger du ikke må, i deres eula
En bruger i linket summerer det meget godt op: At least for the Steam games you purchased in retail the clause in the SSA forbidding re-sale is null and void in a lot of countries. Germany's copyright law knows the "Erschöpfungsgrundsatz" for example: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/G... and a lot of other countries have similar clauses. It's pretty much the same law that would make any prohibition like "You are not allowed to sell used copies of this book" null and void and without it public libraries would probably be non-existent. So yes, you can sell your Steam account, it might even be perfectly within your right to do so ... but if Valve finds out, they will still most likely disable it and even other accounts they can link you to. And who would try to sue over something like that?
Valve tabte vistnok en retssag i tyskland for nogle år tilbage, og blev pålagt at gøre det muligt at sælge både accounts og enkeltspil videre.
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af zubrowka01 d. 30-11-2014 09:27:08.