Hej allesammen er der nogen der skal være med eller gerne vil være med? jeg har desværre ikke selv tid men har en del gammelt hardware som man evt kan få lov til at lege med :)
Calling all old timers! The third round of this year's Old School is Best School contest on OC-ESPORTS has just got underway and the challenge this time around is one that we reckon will warm the nostalgic hearts of many a seasoned overclocker. Running throughout the month of March, Round 3 of the Old is Best School contest tasks teams of overclockers to dig out their old AMD Socket A platform boards, chips and associated hardware. Let's examine the stages and rules in a little more detail.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, the Old School is Best School contest series is to all intents and purposes a great excuse for overclockers young and old to get down to some very old style overclocking. If you're a seasoned veteran who wants to re-live and re-enact benching sessions from the annals of your past, this is the contest for you. Likewise, the contest is also relevant to newer members of our order looking to investigate the historical landmarks of hardware development. Either way, it's all very retro and it's a lot of fun.
Round 3, as with all previous rounds involves two stages each with their own retro flavored twist. This is what you have to look forward to in Round 3:
Stage 1: 3DMark01: Socket A + GeForce 4 Stage 2: Wprime 32M: Socket A Also known as Socket 462 (due to the number of CPU pins involved), Socket A of course harks back to a day when AMD could and frequently did manage to give Intel a performance black eye. AMD Athlon, Athlon XP, Duron and Sempron CPUs were a match to Intel's equivalent offerings. Motherboard selection back in the day was also more of an adventure as Socket A CPUs could be paired with a number of chipsets from manufacturers such as VIA, Nvidia and SiS. Anyone who used to build systems at around this time will remember often having to correctly set the jumpers on a motherboard to determine CPU, AGP and PCI frequencies. Oh what fun we had.
or the GPU nostalgia fix Round 3 has a trip down memory lane with Nvidia's fourth generation of graphics chips; the GeForce 4 series, the pinnacle of which was a Ti 4800 card. If you have one in a cardboard box in the loft, now is the time to dig it out -perhaps just for one last lap of glory with 3DMark01.
The Old School is Best School contest attracts teams that span the globe with representatives of the OC community in the US, Bulgaria, Sweden, Czech, Italy, Hungary and Germany competing head to head. If you are attracted to the idea of benching some classic, old school hardware, get yourself enrolled in a team and get pushing.
Old School is Best School, Round 3 contest page: http://oc-esports.io/ #!/round/osibs_s2r3
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af MazdaMadsen d. 03-03-2016 10:08:03.
#2 Ha, du har fuldstændig ret, det kan være en stor udfordring i ikke så få henseender.
Men udover det, så var jeg én af dem som ikke vidste det samme som du gjorde og konkurrencen virker da rigtig spændende - om ikke andet så bare for at følge den.
jeg har en hel bunke amd athlon 1400 Thunderbird socket a 180nm amd athlon xp 1700+ Palomino socket a 180nm amd athlon xp 1700+ Palomino socket a 180nm amd athlon xp 1800+ Palomino socket a 180nm amd athlon xp 2000+ Palomino socket a 180nm amd athlon xp 2200+ Thoroughbred socket a 130nm amd athlon xp 2400+ Thoroughbred socket a 130nm amd athlon xp 2600+ Thoroughbred socket a 130nm amd athlon xp-m 2400+ Barton socket a 130nm amd athlon xp 2500+ Barton socket a 130nm amd athlon xp 2500+ Barton socket a 130nm
Bundkort DFI AM36-TC Socket A SD-RAM onboard gfx MSI K7N420 pro Socket A DDR onboard Nforce gfx ABIT NF7-S Socket A DDR Nforce2 ASROCK K7NF2-RAID Socket A DDR Nforce2 har sata
#5 Hold da fast, mine nørd venner driller mig stadig fordi jeg nåede at have 4-5 socket A cpu'er, men du overgår mig for vildt :)
Min sidste var et en Barton 2500+ som kørte ~2600 Mhz, sammen med et Radeon 9800SE modded til 9800 PRO var det et 5.000,- system som sparkede røv på 10.000,- + systemer
Jeg ville gerne have været med, men da jeg ikke lige pt. har et sted at stå med det kan jeg desværre ikke.
Det er også runde 3 der er i gang, runde 1 startede midt sidste måned så vidt jeg husker, ikke nemt at komme ind midt i det hele, så kan man ihvertfald regne med ikke at være i top 3 😉
Tweak og octdk har ligeledes et, sidstnævte er vidst det eneste der stadig er en smule gang i.
Kunne være meget sjovt at pine noget gammelt hardware, andre der er klar? Har vidst alle delene til at ligge, mener dog hverken at bundkort eller CPU er noget at råbe hurra for..
HoPLa, er dit ABIT NF7-S rev. 2 ?
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af noxon d. 03-03-2016 18:12:53.
Tilføjet: 25-03-2016 21:26:51
Jeg har brug for lidt hjælp. Mangler en GPU-Z version der kan aflæse mit ti4600. Den helt gamle version skriver 0 mhz på kortet. Jeg mangler også en rivatuner version der ikke crasher.
Hvilken driver er den seneste/bedste til ti4600?
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af MazdaMadsen d. 25-03-2016 21:39:15.
Tilføjet: 27-03-2016 00:02:42
For pokker der er fart på det her ti4600 jeg har fået fingre i.
371Mhz på GPU ved 1.875volt, alt over giver artefakter, og vcore giver intet. Var oppe på 2.01volt uden at det gjorde nogen forskel, så det er max GPU på dette kort.
RAM er indtil videre oppe på 760Mhz fra standard 660Mhz, men lader til der er mere endnu.
Jeg havde 3 CPU at vælge i mellem, en 1700+, 2000+ og en 2400+.
2400+ var død, 2000+ clockede meget ringe, så det bliver 1700+'en der får æren. Den ved jeg dog kan rende 2850Mhz, så jeg kommer måske lidt højt op i stage 3.