10-06-2016 16:58:49
hjælp mig lige her inden jeg gør noget jeg måske vil fortryde...
jeg har haft min tilsag herinde, HOL og på DBA i små 14 dage, og blev igår kontaktet på telefonen med en sms hvor afsender stod som William og i beskeden stod der "Hello.... if you still have your computer for sale? contact me directly on my email xxxx@gmail.com" <-- email censureret...
jeg kontakter så personen trods for jeg undrer mig lidt over måden jeg er kontaktet på... vi snakker lidt frem og tilbage, og han accepterer prisen jeg har sat for mit system... dertil spørger jeg ham så, om han er klar over hvor stort tårnet er + hvor han er fra.. dette er svaret jeg får tilbage
"Okay thank you.I'm satisfied with the condition. I won't be able to come and view it myself because I am currently away for work.but if can you guarantee that it is in a good condition, I will meet up with your last price. I know there are other buyers patronising you already. This is more reason why i would like to get this as soon as possible.i will pay you through PayPal as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about PayPal charges, i will take care of that and about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup and transport it to my home in Spain after i have made all the necessary payment and you have confirmed this on your account.
So if you accept this transaction, you should send me your info requested below if you have an account already with PayPal:-
Name :
PayPal Email :
Mobile Number
so that i can proceed with the transfer and then we can arrange for my shipping company to come for the pick up, after you receive your money. I will need the address for the pick up to be arranged.
i expect your reply soon.
Thank you
mit spørgsmål er så følgende...
virker det legit ...?
og kan jeg evt. brænde nallerne og risikere en polsk tyvebande ripper min lejlighed?