...europæere mv. kan slå koldt vand i blodet, men kineserne er ikke så heldige med deres MSI GTX 1070 kort. Der er nemlig fejl på en gigantisk sending. (MSI kortene til det europæiske, amerikanske markeder mv, laves i Taiwan og er ikke ramt at fejl.)
"Very bad news for the image of MSI and its users in the Chinese market, where the company has seen its entire graphics card series based on the GeForce GTX 1070 gone faulty. As you read, all MSI GeForce GTX 1070 graphics cards are defective in China, including the MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Gaming Z, MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Gaming X, MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Gaming and MSI GeForce GTX 1070 DUKE (exclusive model for Asia only). According to several reports all these models are suffering from artifacts and multiple errors.
The real reason for all this defective production is unknown, but it is logical to think its production problem, because all affected graphics cards were manufactured at the factory in China, not Taiwan. The production factory in Taiwan supplied graphics cards to other markets (Europe, USA, etc.). Next to the factory, another reason could be that these graphics cards had used Micron memory chips (non-affected models are equipped with Samsung chips), which might lead to temperature problems that would be causing these artifacts by excess heat. Although none of the two hypotheses have been confirmed by the company. " https://tech4gamers.com/msi-ge...
Der er nok nogen der har købt nogle kopi/falske dele hjem som er kommet på de kort/på anden måde lavet noget som har kunne spare/stoppe 10 øre pr. kort i lommen 😢 Måske bare kvalitetskontrol som er helt i skoven som hos mange andre kina firma.
Ja men skulle jo mene at når de første 10 kort ryger af båndet smider man dem lige i en 24+ timers stress test, men ja det er kina, der er rigeligt af de historier der ude
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Jaller d. 09-08-2016 15:50:15.