Banggood - 48 timers MEGAudsalg

Hyggehjørnet d.  08. september. 2016, skrevet af Ferns
Vist: 1242 gange.

08-09-2016 07:00:24
Det er <ironi> muligvis, måske og ved en lille smule held </ironi> lidt billigere end Kompletts weekendsalg 😀

Husk toldberegneren: skal i brug ved køb over 80kr.-

Banggood skriver dog også følgende

"Can Banggood Declare The Goods At A Low Value?

Sometimes, we will do our best to help you with import regulations. If you find out the import tax situation in your country, and you believe there are ways to minimize the taxes you have to pay, we are happy to follow your instructions regarding labeling, packing, declarations and invoices. Special requests can be made by explaining the situation using the online comments box during the checkout process. Or, if you need advice about whether a particular declared value is possible before you pay, you should "contact us". We will then look at the contents of your order and your country and assess what value is appropriate."

Go' købelyst 🙂