ECO Intelligent Thermal Control System When temperature reaches between critical point T2(Default temperature 65°C-70°C) and Tmax, fan will start to rotate. The RPM of the fan will self adjust according to the temperature maintaining a linear relationship. When the temperature descent to critical point T1 (Default temperature 45°C-50°C), fan will stop to rotate.
Features: Fan doesn't rotate in the beginning when the power supply is switched on = Zero noise. (Fan appears to be stationary in the beginning is normal phenomenon)
Reduce unnecessary rotation in order to increase the life span of the fan.
Decrease unnecessary consumption to increase the efficiency. Applied to any fan, not limited to PWM format fan. Hybrid Dual Voltage Automatic Switch System Exclusive Technology Patent, allows +5V and 5VSB to switch automatically.
Features: Exceeding 5VSB efficiency limit by 10% Increasing loading capability by means of +5V output.
High Power Vertical Double Layer Main Transformer In the present electronic application, transformers are typically horizontal double layer winding. The power is limited and occupies more PCB dimension. The principle of the high power vertical double layer main transformer, overthrown the traditional method by adding lead directly onto the copper winding. Bypass pin feet and install directly onto the PCB.
Increasing power and occupies less PCB space."
Edit: Eller som #2 en Seasonic.
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Ferns d. 16-10-2016 13:58:41.
Ja nogle gode bud, vælg en fanless eller en med en fan pofil der gør din fan ikke starter, flere er 0 rpm op til 40% load så bare vælg en med flere watt end du har brug for. Nogle at se på: Fanless: Super flower leadex: #
jeg ville ikke anbefale fanless medmindre du kan koere helt dit system fanless.
din psu genre stadigvake varme. og hvis du ikek kan holde hel dit sstem fnales. skal den fan dub bruger tage sig af mere varme og derved keore hurtigere. saa istede for at have 2 blaesere har du nu kun 1
de er er langt bedre for stoejsvaghed at have 2 blasere der koerer langsomt fremfor 1 der koere hurtiger.
Tak for alle indspark.. Det er værdsat. Det bliver den som er foreslået i 3# da den virker fornuftig, jeg har svært ved at få øje på genvinsten ved at vælge en psu over 1000 kr til mit behov.