Ingen ASRock grafikkort i EU

Grafikkort d.  05. maj. 2018, skrevet af Gripen90
Vist: 1628 gange.

Senior Skribent
05-05-2018 16:16:31
Vi kommer ikke til at se ASRock sælge grafikkort i Europa pga AMD.

"No ASRock graphics cards in Europe

The manufacturer has reached out to Tom’s Hardware to ask how the sample for their review was obtained because clearly, it wasn’t provided by ASRock, who had no interest in marketing exposure in Germany (the review was posted on German TH’s website).

ASRock Sales Manager:

The problem is that AMD has not agreed to sell (ASRock graphics cards) in EU, that is really a pity.

The decision to block ASRock from entering European market is not necessarily that controversial. Regional sales bans are actually quite common. For the same reason, you are not able to buy Colorful or Colorfire graphics cards in Europe. There are simply too many board partners in this region.

Yet still, customers should have a choice when it comes to choosing the right model, at the lowest price possible. Those who want ASRock graphics cards will still be able to buy them, just with additional taxes and shipping costs artificially created by regional sales bans.

Isn’t it ironic that AMD has just started “Freedom of Choice in PC Gaming” marketing campaign (in response to GPP), only to limit the choice of customers at the same time?"

05-05-2018 16:52:49
Morale er godt, og dobbelt morale er dobbelt så godt...

Det er jo til grin..

06-05-2018 18:17:54
But why AMD, this makes no god damm sence.

Hvis man vil sælge gpu´er, kan det da for fanden kun være en fordel ikke at limit en regions muligheder for brand og model selections.

Det er fanme en ommer det der.

Jeg har længe været fan af asrocks bundkorts, og muligheden for et Asrock AMD grafikkort i en fremtid hvor AMD forhåbentligt er lidt mere konkurrance dygtige, ville være meget tillokkende. 🙂

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Fearless Angel d. 06-05-2018 18:22:10.

Senior Skribent
07-05-2018 10:07:51
Seneste update lægger heller ikke skjul på ironien i det hele !

"...The VGA card products are only sold in South America and APEC (exclude China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) at first. I cannot provide you the MSRP and the warranty duration because they are different in different sales region..."

Så de må ikke sælge kortet i det land, hvor det bliver produceret ! 😎