Hvorfor er nVidia GeForce RTX så dyre ?

Grafikkort d.  22. august. 2018, skrevet af Reverb
Vist: 1094 gange.

22-08-2018 08:31:38

... ja det er der nok mange, der har spurgt sig selv om. Toms Hardware har et par korte mulige forklaringer herpå.

Analyst Jon Peddie suggests that the cost may just be a result of what it takes to make this kind of hardware.

“Simple cost-of-goods… “ he told Tom’s Hardware over email. “These giant (and they are really big) chips cost a lot to make and test, and the huge amount of memory is expensive plus the cooling systems - just [cost of goods]. There's no rip off here, no conspiracy.”


But it could also be for a variety of other reasons. Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD, suggested it could be due to inventory or availability.

“I think they are likely trying to price these as very premium products,” Baker said. “Certainly if there is a significant amount of series 10 cards floating around they would want to at least draw that down somewhat.”

Baker also suggested that they can use the high pricing for a gradual release as the company better understands demand: “The market for cards has been so crazy the last couple of years, between the explosion in interest in gaming, the cryptomining bubble and the upgrade in quality and demand that they would be doing themselves a disservice to come out at lower prices,” he said. Lastly, he theorizes that high prices could a way to protect against limited inventories after the launch.


It’s possible that the new cards will be so groundbreaking that they’re worth the price, but without having our hands on the cards to benchmark them ourselves, we can’t say for sure. It’s also possible that the 10-series will offer a better value for those who don’t care about ray tracing and RTX capabilities.

Some reports over the last few months have suggested that Nvidia may have an inventory issue on its hands, including rumors that a major OEM partner returned 300,000 GPUs to Nvidia. Others suggest that this is a result of not managing the demands for gaming and mining appropriately.


22-08-2018 09:02:28

GDDR6 Koster noget mere end GDDR5X og så har vi 60% incresse i die size/Ray Tracing, og så bidrager amd ligefrem hellere ikke.

Det er ret simple, desværre for os.

22-08-2018 09:07:45

Logisk at de er dyre. De har jo ingen konkurrenter overhovedet.

22-08-2018 09:09:15

Min teori er at de sætter prisen fordi de ved at folk betaler uanset hvad når der ikke er konkurrence fra AMD.

Samtidig kan de ikke udkonkurrere deres egen gamle serie i pascal og derfor starter priserne for

selv de billigste kort så højt.

22-08-2018 10:36:33

Det er jo en udvikling der har stået på i flere år nu.

10 serien er også langt dyrere end 9 serien.

960 var et 1500 kr. segment kort. 1060 er et 2500 kr. segment kort. 2060 bliver et 3500 kr. segment kort.

Pris segmenter:

960 = 1050

970 = 1060

980Ti = 1080 = 2070

1080Ti = 2080

Titan Xp = 2080Ti

Nvidia har i flere år sat nye serier over de gamle prismæssigt, og blot introduceret højere lag. Højere ydelse, højere pris. Samme ydelse, samme pris.

Vi forbrugere er ikke rigtig blevet rigere. Vi betaler bare mere for mere ydelse.