Få bundkort,windows til at bruge alle e og p cores

Bundkort / CPU d.  17. august. 2023, skrevet af gasolin
Vist: 423 gange.

17-08-2023 17:17:58

Mærkeligt problem med en high core cpu med e og p core, en 13400f som har 6 p core og  4 e cores og 16 tråde Asrock B760m bundkort

Throttlestop sagde ring edp other limit https://www.techpowerup.com/do...


Hvad det største problem var at bundkortet, windows 11 ikke brugte alle alle kerner og derfor fik jeg i passmark testen og cinebench r23 ikke den score jeg skulle have,  6 kerner og 12 tråde kunne jeg se i windows (biosen viste min e cores)

Her er hvad jeg fik at vide på en engelskl side

You can create a lot of problems if you change the motherboard or the CPU and you do not reinstall Windows. I always do a fresh install whenever making any major hardware changes.

Anytime the number of cores and threads is not being reported correctly in the Task Manager, the first thing to do is run msconfig and check to make sure the Number of processors box is not checked. This box should never be checked. Windows does not automatically update the number of cores and threads after a major hardware change. It is up to you to run msconfig and take care of this problem.


Most of the tech dudes working at places like Best Buy have probably never heard about this issue either. Now you know.

Intel started using EDP ring throttling on many of their 12th Gen and newer non K series CPUs. This new trick forces the ring to run slower than the cache. Intel CPUs also use a feature called Ring Down Bin which is usually enabled by default. Ring Down Bin forces the ring to always run at least 300 MHz slower than the core.

At default settings, my 10th Gen 10850K also runs the ring slower than the core so Intel has been doing this for a while now. The default multiplier when all cores are active is 48 for the cores and only 43 for the ring. Setting IccMax to a low default value for the ring is a new technique that Intel is using but slowing down the ring is nothing new. It forces the ring to run slower than the core. This is done deliberately to improve stability.

With unlocked K series CPUs, the ring ratio is adjustable, the Ring Down Bin feature is adjustable and IccMax is adjustable for both the core and the cache. This lets a person run their CPU however they like. The 13400F that you were using is a locked processor. No FIVR adjustments of any kind are available when a CPU is locked.




Jeg magter bare ikke at geninstallere windows og hente alt som jeg har på min pc nu incl backup af billeder,film,videoer,dokumenter,overførelser og windows justeringer og jeg har ikke en Z bundkort


Næste gang jeg prøver med en en high core 13 eller 14 gen cpu, hvordan for jeg windows 11 til at bruge alle kerner,tråd uden at blive ring  edp other limit ? (jeg magter ikke at geninstallere windows 11, er sikker på der ikke er nogen nem måde så man for alle aps,programmer og justeringer med)


Tråden blev redigeret 3 gange, sidst af gasolin d. 17-08-2023 18:11:33.
Ny Skribent
23-08-2023 21:50:14

er der noget Drivere/software fra Intels side der skal installeres ? .. kan huske der var noget med ryzen op til 3000 series for noget power profil i windows nemlig :) , så kunne være der måske var noget der .. eller nulstil bios settings .. måske mangles der en bios update , 


23-08-2023 22:11:59

Der mangler ikke noget