Her er de to Serial numre men de kan ikke bruges til ret meget:3KOSOTQ25 OG 3KS1G8DJ
Her var den besked jeg fik af Segate:
Dear Mr.Nørgård,
The product you identified was sold as a system component. Seagate sells many drives to direct OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) customers. These products
are usually configured for the OEMs only, as components for their systems. You must contact your place of purchase for any warranty support on these drives. We are warranty support for end user distribution drives only and not for component drives. These drives cannot be returned directly to Seagate.
Seagate Warranty Support.
Derfor kan jeg heller ikke give nogen garanti. Håber det er svar nok. Jeg har foresten fået et bud på 500 kr på den ene disk.