Det lyder nu mærkeligt de ikke vil hjælpe dig, jeg fik for nogle md siden byttet en Q9450 der var hverken æske eller kvitt da den i sin tid var købt hos det gamle shg.
Det er nok fordi den er købt ebay.
Her er et copy paste af hvad de skrev til mig:
>We would normally be able to exchange a CPU without a proof of purchase, as long as the FPO and ATPO number validate as genuine and in warranty. On this occasion, we asked for your invoice because the FPO number of your CPU gave us an error message advising that the CPU was sold to a company outside of the European region. If a CPU is bought from outside of the European region, the customer is obliged to pay shipping costs to exchange the part, unless he can provide an invoice showing that the CPU was in fact bought within Europe.<
Det er altså FPO og ATPO som de skal bruge, det står mig bekendt på din æske?
Kontakt dem igen og brok dig, det hjalp i mit tilfælde og de sendte en spritny cpu.
Held og lykke med det. 🙂