225 pp budt på HOL
Har modtaget dette i pm fra fitze, som måske kan komme en evt. køber til hjælp :) Jeg gider dog ikke prøve mere, og den er i øvrigt også pakket ned :D
"ok, so i posted this earlier to maybe help some people and just got bashed on. But i had a friend that had the same problem, with a 60 gig model as well. It appeared to be his blu-ray drive too because dvds would work, but he did this and his system now works completely no problems so its worth a try to save ya'll some money.
Step 1: Put your system into standby mode. (red light on)
Step 2: Hold down your power button until it turns on and then off again. Then take your finger off of it.
Step 3: Hold down the power button again until the system makes two beeps in a row and quickly remove your finger. (if it shuts off again just try this step again)
Step 4: A menu will come up with a list of actions you can take. CHOOSE STEP 3!!! WITH THIS STEP NO DATA WILL BE LOST! DO NOT CHOOSE ANY OTHER STEP!
Your system will check for file errors or corrupt data and fix it. It has worked for people already, any questions just ask. Good Luck, hope it works!"
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af zaqwer d. 13-02-2014 10:49:33.