Erfaren rotte
05-02-2018 20:28:19
69 / 16
0 / 0
2200 København N
Hi all,
I am selling my HTC Vive gaming headset. I bought it around 2 month ago from Elgiganten. I am moving out from my place and I don't have any room to set it up for a while.
It has been rarely used in this period. Just few days.There are other accessories with it and I am selling all of them together. So the whole package consists of:
1. HTC Vive VR Brille inkls.2x Funk-Controller, 2x Lighthouse Basisstationer Link Box, VR briller, 5650 kr.
2. HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap til VR 899 kr.
3. Fallout 4 VR skin sæt til HTC Vive 999 kr.
4. Fall out 4 VR Game 310 kr.(It is going to be shared on steam using steam friend system. Because I already redeemed the code on my steam.)
The starting price is 4500 kr. for all. It is going to be sold to the highest bid.
All packages and receipt are included.
Pick up in Copenhagen or Aalborg (next week). I am not going to post it, so I prefer face2face trade :)
Tråden blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af radyab1297 d. 19-02-2018 16:55:40.