Sælges: GTX 1080 m. Arctic AIO *SOLGT*

Grafikkort d.  23. juni. 2019, skrevet af abasak
Vist: 516 gange.

23-06-2019 14:26:39
10 / 3
0 / 0

8382 Hinnerup

1. GTX 1080 fra Inno3D, deres iChill x3 kort med fanstop. Den er dog eftermonteret med Arctic Accelero Hybrid III 140mm AIO-køler der sikrer lavt lydniveau og en stabil OC på 2000 MHz.

Inno3D kortet er fået gode anmeldelser for både ydelse og build quality:

” You get one of the best overclocks available out of the box, and we really like that the company has given the memory a respectable bump in speed too. The result of this is frequently chart-topping performance. With its metal backplate and cooler shroud, the build quality is also high, and the semi-passive cooler is capable of taming the GPU at decent noise levels, and also takes care of the memory chips and power circuitry.”

https://bit-tech.net/reviews/t... ;

Den originale køler der har fanstop, medfølger selvfølgelig også, samt kassen.

Pris 2800kr for BÅDE kort og aio. BYD LØS

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Ekstra læsning om køleren her:

“ the Accelero Hybrid III-140 did fantastically well. Not only did it reduce the max temperature of our Founders Edition GTX 1080 by 45 degrees, it also improved the GPU’s clock speed by over 100 MHz thanks to GPU Boost 3.0.

As such, if you are looking to keep your GPU nice and cool, the Arctic Accelero Hybrid III-140 is more than up to the task. Even if you are happy with your card’s thermals but fancy a bit of extra performance or more overclocking headroom, this cooler is well worth a purchase.”

https://www.kitguru.net/compon... ;

(Også til salg på HOL)

Tråden blev redigeret 2 gange, sidst af abasak d. 26-06-2019 11:48:36.