Best of 2003. I anledning af nytåret er både bit-tech og viperlair ude med deres kåring af de bedste hardware produkter fra det forgangne år.
Af lidt sjove valg kan nævnes:
Heatsink of the Year: Seemingly out of nowhere, Aerocool dropped the proverbial bomb on us with their Aerocool DP-102 heatsink. Using a "Supertube" to wick heat away, and dissipated by a large number of fins, this air cooler was simply the best we've tested, knocking Swiftech off the perch.
bit-tech Babe of the Year Award :
Whilst she may hide in the background, she's the brains behind the UK's number one IT news site - step forward, Jan Magee, wife of the inimitable Mike of the Inquirer. Not only did she put me up for the night after a hard flight home from Computex, she makes a mean ham sandwich. Top marks! Tjek selv resten af de kårede produkter ud, en del af valgene er ganske selvfølgelige.