I to artikler kan The Inquirer fortælle at både GeForce 6800 Ultra fra nVidia, og Radeon X800XT fra ATi bliver forsinket i forhold til tidligere planer. Grafikkort med nVidias topmodel, GeForce 6800 Ultra havner i butikkerne i slutningen maj, mens ATis ikke annoncerede topmodel, Radeon X800XT, bliver frigivet i Juni, hvornår vi så ser dem i butikkerne er uvist.
The Radeon X800XT will be a 16 pipeline card since ATI learned how to make those few pipelines that were corrupted to work now. We reported last year that the R420 is a 12 pipline design with four broken pipelines. We still don't have any idea what went wrong with them but it seems that in certain cases they actually can enable all the pipes. X800XT will be clocked at a rather impressive 500MHz and with 1000MHz memory. We are talking about the same core - it's 96 bit precision and PS 2.0 only.
We saw some Nvidia papers with some interesting dates inside. The first beta drivers were ready at launch time, the 15th of April. Release Candidate RC driver is scheduled for 28th of May, quite some time from now and obviously when the card gets closer to being a reality. So, if nothing changes, Nvidia will ship the beta driver with its first cards but release the real thing soon enough, I guess. Læs de to historier her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=15439
og her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=15440