Anandtech har overclocket et AOpen AK89 Max bundkort, baseret på nForce 3 150, fra en standard bushastighed på 200 MHz til hele 347 MHz, en stigning på over 73 % !!! Højeste hastighed på hukommelsen var 275 MHz, som er hastigheden for DDR550, nogle af de hurtigste moduler på markedet i dag. Athlon 64 3200+ processoren kunne ikke overclockes så højt, det blev til en hastighed på 2333 MHz, 333 MHz højere end standard hastigheden. Behøver jeg at nævne at AOpen rent faktisk har fået AGP/PCI-låsen på deres bundkort til fungere...;-)
We were able to reach an amazing 347FSB setting with Clock Gen and the settings on the AK89 Max. This is so far above the current 250FSB setting that we begged AOpen to increase the FSB range on the AK89 Max. AOpen says that they will incorporate a wider range in their nForce3-250 version of this board, but you should not expect a revised BIOS with wider FSB adjustments on the AK89 Max. For now, these overclocks are achievable with the 1.06M or later BIOS and the Clock Gen utility. Please note that the shipping version of the AK89 Max we tested had a BIOS that would not even work with Clock Gen. However, AOpen tweaked the BIOS to work effectively with Clock Gen beginning with BIOS Version 1.06L. Læs testen af AOpen AK89 Max på Anandtech: http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.html?i=2033&p=1