Firingsquad har som de første testet nVidias nye topmodel, GeForce 6800 Ultra Extreme. Forskellen mellem GeForce 6800 Ultra og Ultra Extreme, er at clockfrekvensen på sidstnævnte er 50 MHz højere, og dermed når 450 MHz. Firingsquad har også fået fat i GeForce 6800 GT, som skal konkurrere med ATis Radeon X800 PRO, og kampen mellem disse er meget jævnbyrdig.
Fresh off the introduction of GeForce 6800 Ultra a few weeks ago, NVIDIA is back again with a pair of new GeForce 6 products, and we?re not talking about the GeForce 6800 either. On the ultra high-end of the market, NVIDIA and its board partners will be producing an overclocked GeForce 6800 Ultra part, a final name has not been officially announced, but the running title is GeForce 6800 Ultra (Extreme). This board ships with a 450MHz NV40 graphics core, 50MHz higher than the default GeForce 6800 Ultra and effectively boosting fill-rate by nearly 10%. Læs testen her: http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/geforce_6800_ultra_extreme/