AMD har annonceret en hel række af processorer, hurtigste er Athlon 64 FX-53, og derefter føler Athlon 64 3800+, 3500+, alle til den nye Socket 939. Nyt er også at priserne er meget høje, billigste af disse modeller lander over 4000 kroner. Således er prisen for Athlon 64 FX-53, som har 1 MB L2 cache, kører 2.4 GHz, og har Dual-Channel interface til hukommelsen, US$ 799, omkring 7000 kroner i Danmark, som dog er i tråd med de seneste Athlon 64 FX processorer. Mere overraskende er det at Athlon 64 3800+, som kører 2.4 GHz, og Athlon 64 3500+, som kører 2.2 GHz, kommer til at koste henholdsvis US$ 720 og US$ 500, hvilket er omkring 6000 og 4000 kroner i Danmark ! Begge har i øvrigt Dual-Channel interface til hukommelsen, og 512 KB L2 cache.
The award-winning AMD Athlon 64 desktop processors also feature Cool'n'Quiet technology, an innovative system-level feature that lowers the power consumption of the PC when maximum performance is not needed. A PC with AMD?s Cool'n'Quiet technology can consume less power, and run cooler and quieter on most applications, making AMD Athlon 64 processors the ideal solution for PCs that run Microsoft Windows Media Center.
The new AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 processor and AMD Athlon 64 processors 3800+, 3700+, and 3500+ are available immediately worldwide. AMD is introducing the AMD Athlon FX-53 processor, and AMD Athlon processor models 3800+ and 3500+ in a new recyclable Processor-In-a-Box (PIB) packaging developed to improve ease-of-use and reduce environmental impact.
All pricing is in 1,000-unit quantities. The AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 processor is priced at $799. The AMD Athlon 64 processor models 3800+, 3700+ and 3500+ are priced at $720, $710 and $500, respectively. For pricing details please visit: http://www.amd.com/pricing. Læs AMDs pressemeddelelse her: http://www.amd.com/us-en/Corporate/VirtualPressRoom/0,,51_104_543~85553,00.html