Anandtech har testet Intels nye platform, Socket 775, med PCI Express, DDR2, den nye 3.6 GHz Pentium 4 560, og de nye i925X og 915 chipsets. Og ydelsen er den samme som før, det er i hvert fald konklusionen fra Anandtech, som kalder det et stort ståhej for ingenting, men det er vel mere eller mindre det samme billede, som vi så da AMD introducerede Socket 939, bare i et meget større omfang, da vi nu også får PCI-Express interfacet og DDR2 hukommelse.
It was hard to resist being glib and titling this article, "Much Ado about Very Little". That feeling of disappointment comes from seeing so much new technology introduced all at once, and then finding out the real performance benefit is extremely small - if it exists at all. If Intel wants us to turn our computer world upside down, there should be a real tangible benefit to the bucks we are expected to spend. Unfortunately, that performance advantage is pretty hard to find - at least for now. There are certainly a few gems in the total package, but if you're looking for a big performance advantage it just isn't there. Læs det hele her: http://www.anandtech.com/chipsets/showdoc.html?i=2088