ABIT har netop Launche deres
3rd Eye ....
Det bliver nemmere og nemmere at være bruger - Abit gjorde det i 2003 med introduktionen af ABIT µGuru? - nu gør de det igen, denne gang med AutoDrive?, FlashMenu? og BlackBox? - autodrive bliver nok bedst kendt for sin muligheden for auto OC samt det externe display som kan stå på skrivebordet...;)
ABIT Launches 3rd Eye See what others can't with µGuru and Guru Clock
July 8, 2004 ? Known as the motherboard industry innovator, ABIT is renowned for creating new and exciting products that enhance the computing experience. ABIT did it in 2003 with the introduction of µGuru?, a powerful technology which enables advanced hardware monitoring, integrated e-service, and interactive system management. Today, ABIT continues this spirit of innovation with the introduction of 3rd Eye - a new system that maximizes the power of µGuru. The 3rd Eye consists of a µGuru-equipped motherboard and ABIT's new Guru Clock?. Combined, these two components form 3rd Eye, a combination that delivers unparalleled convenience and power to the ABIT user.
The Core - µGuru At the core of ABIT?s 3rd Eye System is ABIT's revolutionary AA8-DuraMAX, AG8, and AV8 motherboards, each equipped with µGuru technology. These motherboards feature the award-winning features of µGuru technology, including ABIT EQ?, OC Guru? with AutoDrive?, FlashMenu?, and BlackBox?.
OC Guru, now with exclusive AutoDrive technology, enables users to have the system automatically overclock per application. Have the system quiet down during a DVD movie, but automatically increase fan speeds, voltages, and FSBs during a 3D game. Only OC Guru with AutoDrive gives users this level of control and convenience.
The Vision ? Guru Clock The other part of ABIT's 3rd Eye System is Guru Clock. Bundled with select AA8-DuraMAX, AG8, and AV8 motherboards, Guru Clock acts as an external display, allowing the user to monitor critical system information quickly and easily. With conventional hardware monitoring software, users would traditionally have to exit full screen applications to access system temperatures, voltages, and fan speeds. With its large, easy-to-read LCD display, Guru Clock makes this information available at a glance. Now, users no longer have to interrupt what they are doing to monitor their systems. What's more, Guru Clock allows users to cycle through the overclocking presets set up in OC Guru at a touch of a button. With Guru Clock, gamers can speed up their systems mid-game and really turn up the heat on the competition.
One of the most annoying things is being kicked back to the desktop whenever a new e-mail or MSN message is received while using a full screen application. Now, with its convenient E-mail and MSN Notification function, users can be notified when a new message is received via the Guru Clock's LCD display. For users whose systems are positioned on the floor, Guru Clock with its convenient system power on/off button is a real back saver, allowing users to power on and off from the comfort of their desk top.
Installing the Guru Clock is easy. Just connect the Guru Clock to a free USB port, and enjoy the power and convenience of the 3rd Eye. Only from ABIT.
See What Others Can't
With µGuru and Guru Clock, ABIT users can truly see more than ever before. Experience the 3rd Eye advantage with ABIT's new 3rd Eye Systems, available with AA8-DuraMAX, AG8, and AV8 motherboards.
For more information on ABIT and BulletProof Technology, go here: http://www.abit.com.tw