AOpen & DOOM3 Et af de hotteste spil lige pt. er DOOM3 - derfor er det glædeligt at AOpen har bundled dette spil med deres kommende Aeolus 6800GT grafikkort som frigives 1. september.
You Can Experience DOOM3 The Way It's
Meant To Be Played: With The Aeolus 6800GT
?S-HERTOGENBOSCH, AUGUST 18th, 2004 ? AOpen will be bundling DOOM 3 with its high-running Aeolus 6800GT graphics card, the card that guarantees blasting graphics power beyong imagination.
As of September 1,
The Aeolus 6800GT , up to 70% faster and about $100 cheaper than comparable products based on the competitor's chipset, will be available in a bundle with the long-awaited DOOM3 game.
With the GeForce 6 series having been built for the DOOM3 engine, there is no better choice for DOOM fans than the Aeolus 6800GT. This bundle is a prime example of hardware and software being optimally tuned to each other. NVIDIA worked closely together with id Software to deliver a game experience THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE PLAYED.