Beyond3D har testet dette hurtige kort til PCI-E platformen. Se den store test her.
nVidia har valgt til de fleste af deres kort at lave en ekstern form for pci-e kontrol, altså en slags bro, og ikke en integreret del af kortet som ATi har valgt at gøre det.
Se her hvordan dette lynhurtige GeForce6800GT kort klarer sig. http://www.beyond3d.com/previews/nvidia/nv45/
"NVIDIA employed a markedly different strategy for PCI Express than their primary rivals, ATI. Whilst ATI were redeveloping numerous chips to include a native PCI Express interface, NVIDIA clearly decided that it was more important they transition their to their new NV4x architecture, and opted not to initially design native PCI Express chips (until the recently announced GeForce 6600), but instead design a bridge chip in order to allow an AGP graphics chip to operate on a PCI Express bus, or even vice versa."