De horrible strømkrav til nVidias topmodel, GeForce 6800 Ultra, ser ud til at være overdrevet, da kortet bruger mindre strøm end sin forgænger, GeForce FX 5950. Hvor GeForce FX 5950 belaster AGP-porten til grænsen, er GeForce 6800 Ultra bedre til at benytte de to Molex-konnektorer, hvor stort set alt strømmen bliver tappet fra. GeForce 6800-serien bruger desuden heller ikke ret meget mere strøm end ATis X800-serie...
Here is the second surprise to you! The GeForce FX 5950 Ultra has the highest power consumption among all the tested graphics cards, with GPUs both from NVIDIA and ATI, in the Burn mode!
This result is indicative of what price NVIDIA had to pay to set so high a clock rate. Under a load, this graphics card eats more power even than the GeForce 6800 Ultra, which delivers an incomparably higher performance. Note also that the GeForce FX 5950 Ultra consumes less power in the Idle mode than the 6800 Ultra ? unlike the new-generation chips, it just drops the clock rate and the voltage of the GPU when idle. Læs mere her: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/video/display/ati-vs-nv-power.html