ATi's kommende mainstream-grafikkort kommer til at hedde Radeon X700, og baserer sig på chippen, som går under kodenavnet RV410. Ligesom X800, vil denne benytte sig af PS 2.0b, hvorimod den direkte konkurrent GeForce 6600 vil benytte sig af den nye PS 3.0, som benyttes i stadig flere spil, inklusive Doom 3. Ifølge The Inquirer skulle nVidias prototype være hurtigere end ATis, men dette kan nå at ændre sig inden de bliver frigivet.
X700 is a direct competitor to Nvidia's NV43, Geforce 6600 and 6600GT. This means that we will see at least two versions of X700 cards. XT, PRO are in the naming convention game but we still don?t know the final clock speeds. We guess ATI is waiting for the first Geforce 6600 GT and standard benchmarks before it finalises the clock speeds.
As for performance, the last time we checked we learned that the RV410 prototype was slower then Nvidia NV43 card but knowing ATI they might be able to squeeze some more performance from higher chip clock. We will see. Læs mere her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=18113