nVidia har nu bekræftet at deres GeForce 6800 grafikprocessor kun vil have 5 vertex-processors, mod storebrødrernes 6 stk. Man kan så undre sig over, at i hvert fald nogle af de eksemplarer, af GeForce 6800 grafikkort, som nVidia sendte ud til hardware-sites, yder ligeså godt i vertex-shader tests, som storebrødrerne GeForce 6800 GT og Ultra, når man tager forskellen i clockfrekvens med i puslespillet. Hvor stor indflydelsen reelt bliver på ydelsen fra forskellige GeForce 6800 grafikkort er endnu uvist, men større ændringer giver det dog næppe.
The GeForce 6800 Ultra packs in 16 pixel pipelines and 6 vertex pipelines, the GeForce 6800 GT reportedly integrates the same amount of pixel and vertex processors. The GeForce 6800 sports 12 pixel pipes, but it was unclear whether it has 5 or 6 geometry engines.
It is unclear why reference GeForce 6800 graphics card provided by NVIDIA Corp. and used by X-bit labs? laboratory in Tallinn, Estonia, scored identical fps in Xbitmark and 3DMark03 vertex shader tests against NVIDIA?s reference GeForce 6800 Ultra graphics card working at the same clock-speeds, indicating equal per MHz geometry performance of the ?Standard? model against the ?Ultra? model. Læs meget mere på Xbit-Labs: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/video/display/20040830032007.html