Stor HalfLife 2 test, nu med Direct X 8.0 kort.

Diverse d.  31. august. 2004, skrevet af KTD 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 685 gange.

Hvor der før har været problemer med diverse DirectX 8 kort, har Valve nu gjort det muligt at teste kortene med deres nye engine.

Citat fra artiklen/testen:

In our ?GeForce FX and Half-Life 2: DirectX 8 Only?? article, we discovered that not only does GeForce FX hardware default to DirectX 8, FX cards wouldn?t run Valve?s DirectX 9 path even when DX9 was specified in the console.

It turns out that the console command we used ?mat_dxlevel 90? doesn?t work properly with GeForce FX cards. Instead, Valve recommended we use the switch ?-dxlevel 90? at the command line to force GeForce FX cards to run the DirectX 9 path. Armed with this knowledge, we set out to re-run our benchmarks and take new screenshots with GeForce FX running the video stress test in DirectX 9. Valve was also kind enough to provide a listing of the differences between the various APIs."

Se hele testen her;
31-08-2004 07:53:34
Super.. i love it.