Intel vi i starten af næste år introducere Pentum 4 processorer med 6xx modelbetegnelsen. Disse skal afløse dagens Extreme Edition, i hvert fald kommer de med samme mængde L2-cache, nemlig 2 MB. Der kommer fra start fire varianter, nemlig 640 (3.2 GHz), 650 (3.4 GHz), 660 (3.6 GHz) samt 670 (3.8 GHz).
The 670 is a 3.8GHz processor, the 660 a 3.6GHz processor, the 650 a 3.4GHz processor and the 640 a 3.2GHz processor, but with the mysterious suffix "O".
What performance gains will a 3.8GHz Pentium 4 with 2MB of cache give over a 570 - which according to Intel's numbering scheme is a 3.7GHz processor with 1MB of cache?
Presumably a fair bit. But why would anyone want to buy a 570 with 1MB of cache when they can buy a 670 with 2MB of cache. Læs mere her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=18202