AMD PCI-Express kommer i 1. kvartal 2005

Diverse d.  09. september. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 4 Kommentarer.  Vist: 557 gange.

AMD64 platformen vil understøtte PCI-Express i 1. kvartal 2005, ved hjælp af chipsets fra blandt andet nVidia. Dette er dog noget senere end først antaget, da nVidias "nForce 4" chipset med understøttelse for netop PCI-Express, skulle være annonceret i denne måned.

That requires support from other manufacturers. The firm wouldn?t say which chipset partners were designing for it, but it?s easy to guess Nvidia won?t be backwards in coming forward.

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09-09-2004 13:58:11
Ja mon ikke!!... jeg hørte nu jul for ca. 1måned siden!!.. men 1.kvartal.:o :o Det er godt nok sent, når vi nu både har set ATi RS400, Ali, nVidia nForce3, samt SiS756 på billeder, cebit, samt computex med PCI-e!! Hvordan kan det mon tage så langt tid!!

09-09-2004 15:08:19
Her lige fået en nyhedsmail ind fra PC-stats der siger det stik modsatte af the inquirer!!

Hello Jan,
"Is Elvis still alive?" This used to be the most common question asked of us, but lately your biggest question for PCstats seems to be "when is the AMD Athlon64 939 getting PCI Express?" Naturally, if you're a gamer, you want the best CPU and videocard combination available. The K8 and PCI Express are the ideal solution to that problem for many of our Newsletter readers...
To find out the answer to this question, I spoke with a Senior Product Mgr at MSI Computer. It seems as far as the question of the Athlon64 and PCI Express goes, there are three chipsets coming from VIA, SIS and nVidia which will introduce support for PCI Express to the K8.
So as it stands, the upcoming VIA K8T890 chipset for the Athlon64 will support PCI Express and AGP8X videocards, and is expected to arrive around the end of September... if VIA can keep it together. Odds are 50/50 on that. Meanwhile, the SIS 756 chipset is set to hit mass production by mid-September. The SIS756 is probably going to be the first chipset into retail channels to support PCI Express and AGP8X, given that nVidia's next chipset isn't slated to be announced until next month. Expect nVidia's Crush K8-04 solution to arrive under the 'nForce 3' nomenclature. Along with PCI Express and AGP8X support, the CK804 will introduce SLI. If you recall, SLI is a feature which enables the use of two nVidia PCI Express x16 videocards side-by-side on one motherboard. Neither the SIS or VIA chipsets will support SLI, so nVidia will have the corner on that market for the time being.

Thanks for reading,
Max Page

Altså at SiS756 skulle gå i masseproduktion midt i september... (det er ca. nu) Og at Via er mere end tæt på at præcentere deres K8T890! nVidia skulle først præcentere deres om ca. en måned!! Se det er helt anden snak!! Det kommer jo bare an på hvem der har ret!

09-09-2004 16:01:19
r_m > Jeg vil så håbe dine kilder holder ;)

Hvis ikke er der jo et halvt år til x(

09-09-2004 16:31:29
Jeg ved ikke om jeg har mere ret end the inquiere. Det er jo to uafhængige PC-nyheds-sites. Bare sjovt deres nyheder kommer sammen dag, og siger det stik modsatte.