Inno3D GeForce 6800 til test:

Diverse d.  14. september. 2004, skrevet af KTD 2 Kommentarer.  Vist: 696 gange.

Inno3D GeForce 6800 til test:

Bør man incvestere i et af markedets bedste kort, eller bør man overveje et mere middelklasses kort? Se hvad skribenten af testen finder ud af her:


"!It has been run into the ground that NVidia's GeForce 6800 line are the cards to have for great game play in Doom3. Sure, I like Doom3 but I also like lots of other games. Even more than that, I like not having to spend a car payment on a video card to play those games. I think this is the dilemma many of us face when its time for an upgrade. At present, the prices of the ATi Radeon 9800XT and GeForce 5950 are looking pretty good with new cutting edge products on the market driving their prices down. Do I want to spend my money on yesterday's killer card or on scaled back version of the bleeding edge of technology? Today, we are going to look at the vanilla version of NVidia's 6800 line and how it compares to the cutting edge of six months ago. When all is said and done we hope to show you what is the best choice in the midrange $300 category. "

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14-09-2004 00:08:58
Tja som jeg forstår ham, så behøver man ikke græde over at have et 9800XT, og kan godt vente lidt med en opgradering!


14-09-2004 13:39:51
Nej, XT klarer fint skærene lidt endnu, hvis man endelig skal opgradere skal man en tand højere op for at mærke forskel, dvs. X800pro eller 6800GT