Longhorn nærmer sig, og samtidig bliver kampen mellem chipsettene mere heftig.

Diverse d.  17. september. 2004, skrevet af KTD 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 467 gange.

Longhorn nærmer sig, og samtidig bliver kampen mellem chipsettene mere heftig.

Alt imens at Longhorn nærmer sig med nye understøttelser af diverse teknologier, bliver konkurrencen mellem chipset producenterne mere intens.

"So why the sudden furore? Well, it's all about the mainstream adoption of PCI Express. For months, Intel has been looking like the villain for pushing PCIe out on its own, along with the upgrade path to DDR2 and LGA775. In truth, Intel is not screwing users, it is genuinely trying to push the industry into a position where PCIe becomes the norm and the new applications that the bus enables can become standard. Everyone in the industry is on board - Intel takes the first hit of evaluating the market.

Nvidia, especially, is chomping at the bit to get PCIe out of the door, because that will enable its key marchitecture - SLI. Nvidia told us that it was very excited about SLI, because it means the company would never lose a performance benchmark for a long, long time. "

01-10-2004 18:54:03