ATi udvikler "HyperMemory" for at skære ned på omkostningerne.

Diverse d.  18. september. 2004, skrevet af KTD 6 Kommentarer.  Vist: 349 gange.

ATi udvikler "HyperMemory" for at skære ned på omkostningerne.

ATi vil med denne nye teknologi prøve at mindste omkostningerne ved produktion af deres kort.

"MARKHAM, ON - ATI Technologies (TSX:ATY, NASDAQ:ATYT) today announced HyperMemory, an innovative technology that reduces PC system costs by allowing its visual processors to use system memory for graphics processing. HyperMemory uses the high-speed bi-directional data transfer capabilities of PCI Express to store and access graphics data in system memory, leading to less of a dependence on graphics memory and ultimately a lower overall system cost.

Under previous interconnect standards, the data transfer between the visual processor and the CPU was not fast enough for real-time graphics applications, so graphics cards have shipped with up to 256 MB of dedicated graphics memory to store textures and rendering data required by the graphics processor. HyperMemory gives ATI and its board partners the option to deliver cards with less on-board memory and instead use system memory to handle the graphics storage requirements. The result is a lower overall PC cost for the same great graphics performance.

HyperMemory uses intelligent memory allocation algorithms to optimize the use of available local memory and ensure critical components are placed in fast local memory when required. Optimal assignment of data to local or system storage is determined dynamically to ensure the best user experience. HyperMemory also increases the performance of system bus data transfers, making accessing system memory faster than ever before.

Graphics cards featuring HyperMemory technology will be announced later this year. For more information about ATI's current products and technologies, please visit

MARKHAM, ON - ATI Technologies (TSX:ATY, NASDAQ:ATYT) today announced HyperMemory, an innovative technology that reduces PC system costs by allowing its visual processors to use system memory for graphics processing. HyperMemory uses the high-speed bi-directional data transfer capabilities of PCI Express to store and access graphics data in system memory, leading to less of a dependence on graphics memory and ultimately a lower overall system cost.

Under previous interconnect standards, the data transfer between the visual processor and the CPU was not fast enough for real-time graphics applications, so graphics cards have shipped with up to 256 MB of dedicated graphics memory to store textures and rendering data required by the graphics processor. HyperMemory gives ATI and its board partners the option to deliver cards with less on-board memory and instead use system memory to handle the graphics storage requirements. The result is a lower overall PC cost for the same great graphics performance.

HyperMemory uses intelligent memory allocation algorithms to optimize the use of available local memory and ensure critical components are placed in fast local memory when required. Optimal assignment of data to local or system storage is determined dynamically to ensure the best user experience. HyperMemory also increases the performance of system bus data transfers, making accessing system memory faster than ever before.

Graphics cards featuring HyperMemory technology will be announced later this year. For more information about ATI's current products and technologies, please visit"

Se mere her:
18-09-2004 21:22:43
Der er sq gang i nyhedsstationen... ligeså snart man kommer tilbage fra tønden er der 3 nye nyheder :o

18-09-2004 22:49:49
0# Det logo der, det er Nvidia`s, det der er en moddet intro til Ut2003 :p

19-09-2004 09:48:03
Flop.. Tror jeg det bliver...

Hehe, nice logo :)

19-09-2004 11:47:22

I know.... ;)

19-09-2004 14:32:00

Du er da ikke så tit på tønden var ?

19-09-2004 14:36:15
Det må da være til de billige kort....

Men det med ram delingen det har da altid kunne lade sig gøre med AGP teknologien...? Kan da huske lige den gang AGP kom frem, viste en af teknikerne der hvor jeg arbejdede, at han kunne få en pc til at starte op kun vha. af det ram der sad på grafikkortet, og den omvendte metode er jo meget kendt fra bla. onboard kort...