Kan Intel nå at udgive deres Dual-Core CPU'er inden for deres egen tidsramme?
Det interessante er om Intel kan leve op til de tids rammer som de selv har sat sig. Fremtiden byder på 4 kerner.
"Brookwood said a technically skilled employee of Insight 64 has come up with a scheme which doesn't require changes to silicon designs or masks, but might well require a new type of packaging which would, however, be compatible with LGA 775.
As Intel makes its chips on 12-inch (300mm) wafers, each of which holds around 500 individual microprocessors, it then separates the individual dies and packages the processors that pass the tests. A typical wafer, he suggests, yields between 250 and 400 good chips.
He said: "There will be many instances where two, four or even eight contiguous processors are all defect free". If Intel keeps the pairs of good chips togehter, it would need a package to hold the larger chip - something around twice the size of a single core CPU." http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=18545