ATi's Catalyst 4.12 - Beta - Ingen problemer med HL2.
Hvis man skal benchmarke og teste i HL2 er Catalyst 4.12 sagen. Her er der også ordnet problemet med Punkbuster.
Citat: "Furthermore, ATI recommends 4.12 beta driver for certain new games that we are all expecting sometime tomorrow and if you want to benchmark it you should use the 4.12 beta driver. Yes, it's Half Life 2.
Late on Friday, ATI released its Catalyst 4.11 drivers - the eleventh WHQL driver this year, but this one is unable to fix the Punkbuster bug yet.
That?s why it has offered Catalyst 4.12 beta for download. You can check it here.
Beta testers report that 4.12 beta is trouble free when dealing with Punkbuster servers but you can check it for yourself." Hent Betaen her: http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/4701.html
Se nyheden her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=19673