En mulig grund til nVidias manglende leverings kapacitet.Det lader til at ikke alle NV40 chippene som nVidia arbejder med, især dem med 350 or 400MHz, ikke fungerer med BR2 chippen.
Geforce 6800 Ultra and GT PCIe are based on the good old NV40 core paired with BR2. Nvidia calls it NV45. Nvidia was happy to tell us before that Nvidia managed to overclock NV40 AGP interface from 8X to 12 X or faster. With this overclock, Nvidia managed to match the AGP8X chip speed with 16X PCIe interface and make a chip which is almost as fast as the native PCIe one.
Now for the consequences. It seems that not all of the NV40 chips, especially the fastest one clocked at 350 or 400MHz, manage to work with BR2 chip overclocked to 12 X AGP. That might explain the shortage