DangerDen MCT-5 / MCT-40 vandkølingsvæske.
Madshrimps har en ny kort test på gaden omhandlende to ikke ledende vandkølingsvæsker fra DangerDen. Kodeordet må i denne forbindelse være "non-conductive" ikke ledende, vands negative egenskaber får jo som bekendt nogen til at holde sig til high-end luftkøling i forsøget på at presse de sidste MHz ud af deres OC.
However the bottom line here is this, do I think this product is worth its $22 price tag? There's nothing worse then the knowledge you've had a slow leak and you've potentially destroyed a $700 video card, and $170 motherboard as leaks occurring at the water block will inevitably pool on top of the graphic's slot (or slots with SLI). http://www.madshrimps.be/?action=getarticle&articID=292