ATi er angiveligt på vej med en ny version af deres Radeon X850 grafikkort, som har hele 512 MB RAM. Angiveligt skulle ATi komme med en annoncering til ATi-LAN og overclockingskonkurrencen, hvor store overclockere som Oppainter, Fugger og Macci (hvor er Overclocking.dk's repræsentater ???) skulle dukke op, noget der tidligere er omtalt her på sitet. Disse store navne skal prøve at slå verdensrekorden i 3DMark, noget som ATi hidtil har haft lidt problemer med (nVidia SLI), men de skulle få nyt hardware fra ATi og lege med, og nu spekuleres der i en 512 MB version af Radeon X850. Vi glæder os til weekend...:)
ATI, of course, wouldn't tell us what it is it has up its sleeves. Sources outside of ATI also indicate to us that a 512MB part is imminent. If we're wrong, we'll just have to eat our GPUs.
Graphics RAM is becoming more interesting, at the moment. ATI is clearly playing it both ways, with this new announcement increasing the amount of on-board memory and its HyperMemory technology decreasing it. It's interesting to consider why anyone would need 512MB memory right now, and the answer is to run at stupidly high resolutions or to run with lots of anti-aliasing. There is also the question of graphics memory moving to next-generation XDR technology, from RAMBUS. Læs mere på The Inquirer: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=21382