SFFTech har testet Shuttles seneste SFF pc, SN25P, den første på markedet med nForce 4 chipset til AMDs Athlon 64.
It?s finally here folks, Shuttle has released the first small form factor system sporting NVIDIA?s latest and greatest nForce4 chipset. For those die-hard AMD fans out there looking to make a move into SFF, now just may be the time. Couple that with only the third system released with Shuttle?s brand new P-style chassis, and you?ve got one compelling box.
This unit is the logical progression of Shuttle?s evolution in design and performance. The presence of the nForce4 is, naturally, the biggest development, as it brings with it not only the chipset improvements, but also PCI-E, which appears to finally be catching on. And thanks to consumer demand, there?s now a selection of graphics cards actually available for purchase (rather than just teasers on manufacturer?s websites!) Læs testen her: http://www.sfftech.com/showdocs.cfm?aid=653