Der er sikkert mange af jer der har drømt om det, og nu er den her, en adapter der gør det muligt at sætte en Pentium-M i et Socket 478 bundkort. I første omgang er det kun muligt at bruge adapteren i Asus P4C800 bundkortet, men det ændrer ikke på det faktum, at Pentium-M vil få adgang til de features, Pentium 4 har. Prisen vil ligge under 300 kroner, og adapteren vil understøtte 100 og 133 MHz FSB versionerne af Pentium-M. Det er helt sikkert at Asus' konkurrenter sikkert vil komme efter samme løsning, hvis det bliver populært - og det gør det...:00
Under alle omstændigheder bliver det sjovt, at se hvor hurtig Pentium-M bliver i en mere kompetent platform, som Socket 478 jo er...:)
We had dreamed some, Asus made! Indeed, should see us appearing from here a few weeks an adapter allowing to make function Pentium M on a mother chart Pentium 4 Socket 478 standard! This adapter, made possible by the fact that the two processors divide the same bus, will function with all the range of Pentium M, of Banias in Dothan, Celeron included/understood. Only Pentium Mr. ULV will not be supported, this one require a too weak voltage. If compatibility on the level of the BIOS still remains to be evaluated, there is no doubt that the changes to be brought there will be mainly cosmetic and that the Asustek charts will not pose a problem. Dothan on a P4C800 or a P4GD1 is an excellent news, especially considering the price of the specialized charts Pentium Mr. Although at the present time, only the P4P800 is validated completely, there is no doubt that other models will follow soon.
This adapter, called CT-479, thus will sign the death sentence charts dedicated like those of DFI and Aopen, thus of many the barebones also. It will be provided with a small radiator and should be sold has a modest price, about a few tens of euros. Dothan will be able thus to profit from GDR Dual Channel, to see very soon DDR-II, NCV Express train, and charts equipped with large functions of overclocking. A true good news. Teksten er oversat med Altavista Babelfish fra det franske X86Secret website, som du finder her: http://www.x86-secret.com/?option=newsd&nid=847
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