Anandtech har kigget på Asus nye adapter, som gør det muligt at bruge Pentium-M processorer med Pentium 4 bundkort. Den nye løsning slår alle tidligere løsninger, og med et overclock over 2.5 GHz, er der heller ingen tvivl om at Asus har fundet den rigtige vej frem, da CT-479 med bundkort er den billigste løsning på markedet. Det ændrer dog ikke ved at Pentium-M ikke er egnet til desktop-brug, når man sætter den op imod Pentium 4 6xx og ikke mindst Athlon 64 processorer.
That being said, despite being paired with enough memory bandwidth, the Pentium M continues to fall behind in desktop performance. As a gaming platform and as a general purpose/office machine, the Pentium M does fairly well, but it is in content creation, workstation and media encoding applications that the Pentium M continues to fall behind. Part of the problem is that the Pentium M needs clock speed to compete, which we saw when we overclocked it up to 2.56GHz. But even at 2.56GHz, the Pentium M wasn't a competitive CPU when it came to tasks like media encoding, indicating that if the Pentium M is to succeed on the desktop, it's going to need some architectural improvements. Læs hele testen her: http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2382&p=13