Japans svar på den danske konkurrencestyrelse, har i en undersøgelse fastslået at Intel bryder med den japanske konkurrencelov, en lignende sag er under optrævling i Europa. Anklagerne går blandt andet ud på at kunder er blevet tvunget til kun at bruge Intels processorer, eller begrænse brugen af andres processorer til under 10 % ved kun at give lukrative rabatter, når disse forhold var opfyldt. Intel har nægtet sig skyldige, men har samtidig valgt at følge den japanske konkurrencestyrelses påbud om at stoppe disse forretningsmetoder.
I en pressemeddelelse udtaler vicepræsident Bruce Sewell fra Intel følgende:
"Intel respectfully disagrees with the allegations contained in the Recommendation, but in order to continue to focus on the needs of customers and consumers, and continue to provide them with the best products and service, we have decided to accept the Recommendation," said Bruce Sewell, vice president and general counsel for Intel. "We believe the Recommendation's cease and desist provisions define a workable framework that enables us to continue to provide competitive pricing to our customers, and benefits consumers and the Japanese economy. We do not accept the Recommendation's allegations in its fact findings and the application of law. We believe the allegations misinterpret important aspects of our business practices and fail to take into account the competitive environment within which Intel and its customers compete." AMD har været hurtige med et svar, vicepræsident for juridiske affærer hos AMD, Thomas M. McCoy udtaler følgende i en pressemeddelelse:
?It is unfortunate that even when presented with specific ? and very disturbing ? findings of deliberate and systematic anti-competitive behavior, Intel refuses to face the facts and admit the harm it has caused to competitors and consumers,? said Thomas M. McCoy, AMD executive vice president, legal affairs and chief administrative officer. ?Although Intel?s willingness to comply with the JFTC Recommendation is a step in the right direction, it has conspicuously failed to either accept responsibility for its actions or acknowledge that competition is best served when customers and consumers have a choice. The JFTC determined that Intel conditioned its pricing based on customers not doing business with competitors; governments around the world must ensure that such anti-competitive actions are not impacting their markets as well.? Hvorvidt Intel har gjort sig skyldige i overtrædelse af konkurrenceloven i Japan, og andre steder, vil vi nok finde ud af, da AMD helt sikkert er igang med at forbedrede nogle retssager.
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