Ifølge Digit-life vil GeIL på den kommende computex-messe præsentere nogle nye cas 1.5-DDR400-ram.
Dette vil gøre dem førende på dette område, da ingen andre producenter sælger cas1.5-ram endnu.
GeIL vil derudover vise et nyt medie-center kaldet DAViD
"GeIL has announced that at Computex Taipei 2005 it will showcase new DAViD (Digital Audio & Video Intelligent Device) products, including iBall MP3/video player, DAViD200 MP3 player and DAViD300 MPEG4 Video Personal Multimedia Center. The DAViD iBall MP3 Player is expected to attract much attention due to its ultra compact size, 3D sound and streaming video support and other features." http://www.digit-life.com/news.html?117133#117133