XGI's næste generation af grafikkort skulle snart være her. Den lille model blev præcenteret i forgårs og i dag er der billeder af den store model.
XGI Volari 8600 er baseret på XG45chippen. Vi får faktisk ikke noget at vide om den. Men XG45 skulle have en væsentlig bedre pixelshader end den gamle Volari-serie. Billederne siger dog en hel del. Kortet ser nemlig ud til at have 192bit ram (måske 96bit). Dette bekræftiger tidligere rygter om stor ram-fleksibilitet. Derudover skulle kortet have Extreme Cache. Det tvivles lidt i pixelpipelines men 8-12stk er et godt gæt. Kortet har deudover SM3.0 ligesom nVidia's Geforce 6-serie. Kortet skal prismæssigt placeres sammen med Geforce6600-serien og Radeon X700-serien.
Der går dog stille rygter om et Duo-kort på XG45, men det er småt med rygter fra XGI, og skal derfor heller ikke tages alt for seriøst.
XGI Volari 8300 er baseret på XG47chippen. Den er noget mere kendt og burde meget snart være i produktion. Det har også ExtremeCache (HyperMemory eller TurboCache) i dette tilfælde 64bit-ram, men kun SM2.0. Kortet vil også findes som nVidia-MXM-module til bærbare maskiner.
Konkurenten til Volari 8300 er Geforce6200TC og Radeon X300HyperMemory.
Begge chips pruduceres på SiS chipfabrik UMC og skulle være kraftigt forbedret på alle de svage punkter, i forhold til den tidligere generation.
Update: Har fundet flere oplysninger om Volari 8600:
Volari 8600 XT : 450MHz core and 450MHz memory, 192bit memory interface, maximum memory capacity 256MB(praktisk taget umuligt... regn med 192MB) Dette er nok lavet som modstander til 6600GT og X700pro
Volari 8600 : 400MHz core and 275MHz memory, 128 bit memory interface, maximum memory capacity 128MB (
Volari 8600 Mobile : MXM-III module, 350MHz core and 300 Mhz memory, memory interface 128bit, maximum memory capacity 128MB. 192bit ram mod 6600GT og X700pro ser rigtigt fornuftigt ud hvis XGI's ram-controller er ligeså optimeret som 6600GT.. Men det er jo tidligere set at grafikkort med 128bit ram har slået 256bit-kort (f.eks. Geforce6600GT og FX5950Ultra og Radeon9800XT)
Pressemeddelelse om XGI Volari8300:
Taipei, Taiwan?May 31, 2005?XGI Technology Inc, the largest Graphic Chip Design Company in Asia, today announced the new PCIe product and its continuing effort to globally distribute XGI brand Volari? in Computex 2005, the major consumer electronics? show in Taiwan (Hall 4, Booth T101A). In Computex 2005, XGI will present the next generation PCI Express graphics bus added-in Volari? 8300 solution. Furthermore, XGI will use Volari? 8300 to showcase ?Home-Entertainment Center? and to display the hottest games on the market now along with high definition DVD playback; the high definition quality brings to the users the ideal ?Digital Home Entertainment?.
?Our focus for Computex 2005 is to introduce our brand new PCIe product Volari? 8300. It demonstrates our R&D capability and product quality. This product will certainly become one of the most competitive products in the value market segment? said Ralph Cheng, Marketing & OEM Sales VP of XGI. ?Not only is XGI continuing to concentrate on the R&D of graphic chip design, but also we are eagerly pushing for the full product line of Volari? brand in Desktop, and Mobile market. Moreover, in the server market, Volari Z7 is gaining market share in the first and second tier OEM market.?
XGI Volari? 8300 is the value market PCIEe Graphic processor that supports DirectX 9.0, and powerful Shader engine Model 2.0 with 64 bit DRAM memory interface. Volari? 8300 uses the eXtreme Cache? which is an advanced technology that can dynamically allocates system memory and supports the graphics processing memory. With the additional bandwidth of PCI Express, eXtreme Cache? is able to reach higher levels of graphics performance and efficiently use the available system memory in computers. The technology ultimately enhances the cinematic graphic experience from XGI graphic hardware and is a more cost-effective solution.
XGI Volari? 8300 is known for its great image quality and cinematic graphics experience. The comprehensive video features High Quality TV encoder; DVI output up to 2048 x 1536; 3:2 Pull-down for movies; De-Interlacing; High Quality Video Processor; Motion Compensation and IDCT. Volari? 8300 is designed for fan-less system to satisfy the MCE hardware requirement. Furthermore, the low power consumption, low thermal design, and eXtreme Cache? Architecture are keeping systems? CPU utilization rate way under 60%. Finally, Volari? 8300 supports DVI/CRT/D-Sub/HDTV/TV outputs. For mobile solution, Volari? 8300 will support the popular MXM type I design. http://www.volarigamers.com/index.php?article=957