AMD har frigivet en 90nm version af deres Athlon 64 FX-55, selvom der ikke er nogen information om det på deres hjemmeside. Det sker selvfølgelig for ikke at påvirke salget af deres 130nm version, som er kendt for at bruge højere spænding og mere strøm, end resten af AMDs processorer.
90nm versionen kører med en spænding på på 1,375 Volt, mod 1,6 Volt, som forgængeren. Ligesom som andre processorer med "Venice E3" kernen, er der support for SSE3, samt en optimeret hukommelses-controller.
What I forgot is that AMD has a policy of a silent trial run before a new core/process/model officially arrives. So, you can get an 90 nanometre Athlon 64 FX today in the shape of FX-55 model. Don't bother searching AMD's offical pages, because the Green Arrow from Sunnyvale won't give you the details which small retailers and on-line shops provide by default. Unlike it's 130nm Sledge Hammerish twin brother, the 90 nanometre FX-55 has some new features to report: its San Diego core is actually a Venice E3 with 1MB of L2 cache, so you'll get an almighty important marchitectural feature such as 11 spanking new multimedia instructions (SSE3), enhanced memory controller and of course, the "coolness factor" of AMD's 90nm SOI process featuring Dual Stress Inliner, aka DSL. Læs mere her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=23829